"Tommy, don't-" Newt's warning came too late as Thomas slammed his face into the invisible shield.

I winced as Thomas rubbed his smashed nose but Minho snickered beside me.

"Ah," The ratman spoke up. "You must be Thomas."

Thomas wiped a small trickle of blood away, "Yeah, what's your problem?"

The man smiled and waved a hand, the shield in front of him dissolved into nothingness.

"I am doctor Janson. And I have a new task for you."

"Aaand why should we listen?" Minho waltzed up and questioned him.

"Ah. A7. You'd like to see your girlfriend again wouldn't you?" He narrowed his eyes, "Yes? Then I suggest you listen." That shut Minho up real quick. I picked at my nails, anxious for him to continue.

"All of you have undergone extreme... challenges. For our sake, we will call these challenges Variables," The Ratman grimaced. "As you well know, you've been watched and studied during your time in the Mazes. And though I cannot tell you much, these Variables have been inflicted on your for a very important reason. Continue to respond well to the Variables and continue to survive and you will have played a very vital role in the survival of the human race."

I looked at Newt, hoping he would understand any of this. He didn't acknowledge me, just stayed very focused on the new information.

The man continued, "I represent an advanced technological group dedicated to improving human lives. This organization is WICKED, we are aware of the menacing name, but WICKED merely stands for World In Catastrophe, Killzone Experiment Department. See? Nothing menacing about it." Yeah right.

"We at WICKED exist for only one reason, to preserve human life. We have many resources at our disposal including enough technology and funds to make Tony Stark jealous."

"Who is that?" Minho whispered next to me, I just shrugged in response, not wanting to miss any instructions.

"That being said, if there's any advice I can give you today, never, ever  believe what your eyes show you."

I didn't know what to think, were the hanging bodies a trick of our minds too?

"Subjects, you must understand, everything you have ever known is a Variable in your Trials. The deaths of your friends, your battle with the grievers, your escape, your friendships, your relationships, everything has been a test."

I glanced down, at Newt's hand in mine, surely this wasn't a lie? I locked eyes with Newt, he seemed to be thinking the same thing. He shook his head gently, so nobody else would notice, I squeezed his hand. 

We weren't a lie. We weren't matched together, we chose each other, we loved each other.

WICKED had nothing to do with us.


"So let me get this straight," Rin was the first to ask their burning questions. "If we want to see the girls again we have to journey across 'the scorch' and meet them in your secret location? Seems batshit crazy to me."

Minho scoffed, "Damn right it does."

"Yes, well, the location is marked fairly noticeably. I have no doubt you won't find it." The ratman answered.

"And this 'scorch' is product of the sun flares that ALSO caused a pandemic that kills people?" Thomas tried connecting the dots.

To Capture A Heart | The Maze RunnerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant