Chapter 11 - Let It Hurt (Rascal Flatts)

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This time?

I'm going to do it. Get up, shower, dress and go to work.

Today's just another day, after all. Like every other one.

Then I remember. My toes curl up from the floor and tuck themselves back under the sheet.

Nope, not gonna happen!

'Will lying here in bed, with self-pity and rage for companions....actually change anything?'  My conscience slaps me hard.

And I slap it back even harder.

If life is gonna keep screwing you over like this, Michonne? You're gonna have to start charging it by the hour for the privilege.

It's been seven weeks since he left me. There's pain, so much of it. Just like when I lost Andre and then Carl. Same-same, but different.

And I still want to die.

Except my family won't let me. Every day they push through their own hurt and loss, trying to keep me afloat. But now? I feel like I'm drowning and there's no lifesaver in sight.

"There....what did I tell you? Today's just another day, after all. Like every other one! "  I scold myself again.

I really  should know better than to even think stupid things like that. Let alone say them out loud?


When I finally wake, once more? A shadowy figure that's sitting on the floor, catches my eye. It inches forward a little. Making my heart leap up into my throat.

'He's home? Well, it's about time! Where in the hell have you....'  The thoughts flee once it finally hits me.

The outline I'm glimpsing definitely isn't Rick's.

"Are you all deaf? I said....LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!  Oh, it's you. Why are you back here again....and so soon?"  I mutter angrily.

"Been asking myself the same question for the last few hours. Yup, it's me. And I'm beyond thrilled to see your 'shit on the liver'  face too. Ta heaps for the lukewarm welcome, by the way. You sure do know how to give a girl some feels."

Maybe it's just me. But does Nate sound just a tad  caustic to you all as well?

"Siddiq, Gabe, Jorge....literally everyone got on the radio to summon me this morning. And finally, I might add! HOW DARE YOU FUCKING SCARE THE SHIT OUT OF US ALL LIKE THIS! "

Oooow, now she's angry as well? I'm soooo  petrified....NOT!

Nate really needs to take some 'How To Dish Out The Tough Love'  classes. Before she tries one-on with the big girls!

Especially today. And with this particular big girl.

"Up yours! And how dare YOU  lecture ME!  I've got a good reason to be shitty on my lonesome, and I'll keep doing it whenever I damn well please. What's your  excuse?"  I spit out in self-righteous fury, throwing daggers at her silhouette with my eyes.

"I'm not shitty!  I'm scared as all fuck....and I hurt. Because someone  couldn't be bothered to call me herself. Like bitch-friends-forever do, the very minute they feel a meltdown coming on."

"And to top that off? My uterus is shedding. So be afraid, woman. Be VERY  afraid."

I'm not afraid, no way. NOW....I'm beyond petrified.

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