Chapter 9 - Gone Away (The Offspring)

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Hershel once told me. That gut feelings are simply our guardian angels doing their job.

I'm pretty sure, that after today? My long-suffering ones will be handing in their notice. Before taking out a restraining order against me.

My spidey-senses have been singing their song of foreboding for so many hours now. And the hairs on the back of my neck just decided to join in on the chorus. Making me lose track of the conversation for a mo.

"Everyone else has given up, sweetheart. Why are you....?"  Earl's hand waved about, in gestures signalling defeat is inevitable.

The look on his face along with Kenny and Eugene's? Mirrors what slid onto Rick's an hour or so ago. After Carol advised him the Kingdom contingency was pulling up stumps too. Oceanside as well.

Jerry then relieved me of the armoury keys so they could stock up on firepower for their trip home. They're still busy packing and Her Royal Highness isn't returning to the Sanctuary.

The remaining Saviors and workers will have to sink or swim on their own now.

"We've come too far. And he deserves this one small victory at least. Please tell me we can still do it for him?"  I plead.

"We will!  Perseverance is the name of the ga....what's wrong?"  My bud questioned urgently when I let out a gasp of shock.

"NATE....RUN!"  Leo is booming the order in one ear while Carl screeches the same in the other.

They sure as fuck don't need to yell at me twice.

Sprinting across the bridge and up the hill towards camp, I hear the guys scrambling after me. Eugene started cussing in fright when the first scream rang out. Followed by gunshots....and more cries for help.

Expecting to see just walkers, the scene of utter chaos unfolding before us brings me to a stumbling halt.

Doesn't stop my rifle though.

When I see him going after Nab, who's running for her life? I don't even think twice. Aim and take out Simon's last remaining Savior buddy with a swift, clean headshot.

"Eugene! Radio Mich and Hilltop. Tell them what's happening here. We'll try to stop them. GO! "

"We weren't gonna hurt nobody. Just needed a bit of protection to get us home safe. Some guns"  DJ blubbered piteously as Carol lowered him to the ground.

She'd shot him in the thigh and whilst his wound isn't life-threatening? It is bleeding profusely and he's in a lot of pain.

"Find something to use as a tourniquet. We'll get you help soon as, I promise. How many all up, Deej?"

"Dozen, including Norris and me. The other workers flat-out refused. I'm real sorry, Nate. I swear we never wasn't supposed to go down like...."

Stalking silently through the camp I spot a few bodies being munched on by deaders drawn in by the gunfight.

"Did you kill him....Alden? "  Jed spun around from a weapons locker and started raising a pistol.

Stopped once he realised it was me and that my rifle barrel was just inches away from his forehead.

Moving it a fraction, I fire.

The bullet whips past his right ear. The walker who was just about to make a happy meal out of his shoulder, splatters gloop over us both.

"No, he'll be Ok. Why did you kill Norris but not me or any of the others?"  He asked shakily, once it hit him that he was still alive.

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