Chapter 4 - This Means War (Nickelback)

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"Looks like they're already in there. Let's do this! "  Maggie is runnin high on adrenaline now.

We were expecting Rick and Michonne to be waitin in her office. Primed for battle as well, and demanding an explanation of what just went down.

Instead, Tara has her butt sprawled on the sofa with Jesus slumped beside her. Holdin hands as they stare into space.

A tiny movement draws my eyes to a dim corner. Pale as a ghost and shakin like one too, Nate is crouched there on the floor. Knees tucked under her chin.


Dunno if I'm angry with her being here or with myself. For not makin sure she stayed home with our son. Where she should've been while this all went down.

Except she didn't know what was gonna happen. Did she, Dixon? After WAS  just s'pose to be a town meetin.

None of them knew, only you two. The gathered community only cottoned on once yer swung the noose yer made over a beam. Then led the horse out with Gregory already sittin on it.

Hands tied behind his back....whimperin in fear.

"I take it you're not happy, Nate? Too bad and too late. It's done!"  Mags broke the silence.

"You did what you thought was right"  Nate's voice is trembling like all fuck but remains soft and fairly controlled.

Unlike Mags who spits back again.

"And here it comes. The 'but',  eh? Well....don't keep us all waiting."


I shoulda known Maggie would be spoilin for a fight. Any kinda fight. We both thought it'd be comin from Rick is all. Had prepared ourselves for him and Michonne, but not this.

"Say it, Nate. Just say it, please? So I don't fucking have to"  When I hear Tara's horrified voice I realise.

They're deep in shock too?

We just didn't think it through proper enough, I guess. How it'll affect everyone else? Being unwitting witnesses to an execution instead of a trial.

We sure as fuck know it now.

"Would you have done it, like....that? If Rick and Michonne hadn't been there to watch?"

Mags and I swiftly....guiltily....glance at each other. Stunned that she's come to that conclusion straight up. It's the right one too  🙁

"No need to answer, I see it on your faces. Well, it looks like you finally got your chance to show them"  She then whispered sadly.

"Damn straight! You said it before, I did what was right. Decision made. Cos that's my job now!"

"You're back to living in my house again, Nate. Not slumming it on my dime at the Sanctuary anymore. Don't like it? Well, tough shit. You know where the gate is! "  Maggie hissed back viciously.

"Now, are you done? Cos unlike some, I've got real  work to do."

Tara and Jesus gape at Mags, appalled at first then outraged. While my missus literally rocks backwards on her heels. Like she's been dealt one mutha of a bitch-slap.

It sure is  🤨

"Slumming? Wow, ummmm Ok...."  Nate stutters out weakly, noddin with a wince as her eyes clenched shut.

Home Is Ours ('Home Is' Book Three - Daryl Dixon)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora