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It was there that the Build Girls would turn towards the class 1-B, Itsuka hiding with an embarrassed look while as the other three doesn't seem to mind.

Itsuka: H-Hey, don't put the focus on us... and you three, shouldn't you be a bit shy?!...

She questioned her classmates, the three who merely shrugged their shoulders.

Yanagi: The other girls are very certain that such perverted darkness does not dwell within L/n-kun, so we shouldn't be worried...

Kodai: ... I don't mind...

Tokage: But this begs the question?~...

She says with a slight mischievous grin, in which her head separated from her body and floated towards the turned genius, and then whispered in his ear.

Tokage: Ain't this quite the tough spot your in, Genius-san~... not only you saw your precious fiancees all bare, but you also got your treat with us Class 1-B girls, now this makes me wonder~... how are you going to pay us four back, after all now that you've seen us... "someone" is going to have to take responsibility~... 

She finished with a slow blow near his ear, the genius in question feeling a shivering shock run down his spine from the contact as his blush was slowly matching the red of his Rabbit Fullbottle. 

Y/n: A-Ano... Toka-

Setsuna: Ah, ah... its Setsuna to you now, Genius-san...

Meanwhile as the Build Girls were taken by with slight surprise at the scene before them, never having seen their boyfriend/fiancé blush this much, which got them slightly entertained with the scene. 

Thankfully for Y/n sake, he was saved when the martial artist beauty had appeared, her towel covering herself, and karate chopped the back of Setsuna's head away from Y/n and grabbed the head in her enlarged hand, Setsuna's body struggling as it tried to reach for her head. 

Itsuka: Enough of the lewd behaviour, Setsuna!...

Seeing his chance to leave, he quickly apologises to everyone without looking at them and left the hot spring with Kota in his arm and his towel properly adjusted to not fall, his nose slightly bleeding as he though back to the scene earlier, further speeding himself to bring Kota to his Aunt.

The girls merely watched as he left, Kodai eyes still focused until, he was no longer in sight and listened to her Class Rep scold Setsuna for her behaviour, Yanagi also quiet and watch while the class 1-A girls were thinking about something collectively and were now keeping an eye on the 1-B girls. A collective though also sharing between them all.

Build Girls (Inner thoughts): ... Damn Y/n/-san/-kun/-chan/nerd's charm...

Small time skip

Inside the administration office room, Y/n had entered and explained the entire situation to Shino, a tissue in the Young Genius nose with slight drops of blood getting Shino to understand it all. 

Shino: So from what I understand, Kota-kun had passed out from both the fear and shock as he fell, where you then caught him... thank you for what you did, L/n-kun... 

Y/n: It's fine, Mandalay-san... and I preferred to be called by name, not really much into formality... so I'm willing to bet that Aizawa-sensei told you about the perverted grape of the class...

Shino: You can call me Shino in turn, Y/n-kun... you earned that right when you helped me and my team out as well as save two of them, so you can call me by my name... anyway yes, Eraser did tell me about that one of the boys in 1-A was obsessed with girls, So I had Kota stay as look out... girls these day develop quickly, don't they?... 

U.A. Genius Bottled Hero (Kamen Rider Build (Male Reader) X My Hero Academia)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu