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Finally making it to the top floor, on the way to the main security system until they came across the storage room in which they saw Melissa father and his assistant, seemingly looking for something. Curious and worried that the both of them are looking for something that the Villains are after.

Once inside, they then heard David and his assistance Sam converse with one another.

Inside the storage room

David is typing a code on the computer and smiled as he got access. He then turned his focus to Sam and said.

David: I was able to unlock it... go to block 1147...

He said as his assistant begin to rush towards said designated storage block on the wall. He then found the storage block and waited until he heard that the professor unlock it and replied.

Sam: O-Okay...

With the sound off a hiss, the storage block opened to reveal a briefcase which Sam took out as David waits for confirmation that is the correct content.

Sam: You did it Professor... everything is here...

The assistant said as he presented the now opened briefcase, revealing the contents to be some sort of device which included a sophisticated headset, two grey cartridges and a blue container.

Seeing everything in place, the professor sighed in relief

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Seeing everything in place, the professor sighed in relief.

David: Yes, I have finally gotten it back...

He then clenches his fist as his body shivers from steeling himself as she speaks.

David: The device and research data are the only things I would never give to anyone... I'll never give them up...

He says, his eyes displaying a strong emotion of seriousness to the point beads of sweat could be seen. He would then calm down as his assistant speaks up.

Sam: Everything's going to plan, isn't it?...

David would then look up as he watches his assistant walk towards the stairs, continuing speaking.

Sam: It looks like the villains are doing well, including those fake looking monsters...

David then walked towards the bottom of the stairs, parallel to his assistant as he slowly walks up to him.

David: Thank you... It was all because you arranged everything for me, Sam...

Melissa: Papa...

It was only the voice of his daughter that caused for David to stop his climb up the stairs as he and Sam turned towards the only entrance in the room as they both saw Melissa, Izumi and Shadow Hopper, the steam user bringing a small sense of fear as the suit looked intimidating. While Sam was still afraid more of Shadow Hopper, David focus was on the small bandage that was wrapped on the arm of his daughter.

U.A. Genius Bottled Hero (Kamen Rider Build (OLD ONE, REWRITE IN PROGRESS)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin