Chapter 17

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I was standing at the bus stop waiting for the school bus. Dad had something important to do so he asks me to either call Matty or take the bus. I try to call Matty but he did not answer so I took the bus and call him once inside the bus. The bus arrives just in time. The bus was half full; I walk up the bus, tap my card and walk to the end of the bus and seat down at the empty seat.

Once seated, the bus driver starts to drive off. On the way to school, my heart was beating very fast, ever since this morning I can feel something is not right. It has been two weeks Matty did not call or even talk to me at school. He even tries to avoid me, I wanted to ask him but every time I wanted too he walk away or say he has something on. Does it hurt? It hurt a lot, not only I can feel that he is leaving me but I feel that his heart is no longer for me. I know Natasha must have said something to him but I trust Matty to believe me more than Natasha.

After 15 minutes ride, finally I arrive at school. I get down and walk into the school entrance. While walking in, I saw Matty was getting down from his car. I look at the watch and see that I have a lot of time before the first period start. Maybe I can talk to him before anyone start to go to him. I run to Matty and call his name. He turns around and stops walking. Once I got to him, I smile to him and say,

"Good Morning." He just smirks and looks away. When I saw his reaction, I try to control myself and say,

"Um...I need to talk to you about something."

"What is it?" said Matty. His face show that he did not want to talk to me but force too.

"I not really sure what was going on but did I do something to you that you try to avoid me." He suddenly shakes his head and say in an angry tone,

"How could you be so innocent? How can I even fall for a girl like you?" I look at him blur. I swear my heart was about to burst.

"You ask me why I try to avoid you, why don't you ask yourselves why you play with my feeling?" said Matty again, his voice became angrier.

"I don't know what you are talking about."  

"Don't act dump!!! You were not sincerely ever since you step into this school. You just wanted people to like you and make me fall for you. So that everyone see how innocent you are!! You make a fool out of everyone even the people who close to you. I can't believe that you would go that low so that you can gain popularity." He said, I look at him stun, tear fall down from my eyes. Popularity, what is popularity to me? I look at him with a lot of question. He looks away and says,

"I fall for you, I even wanted to tell people I love you!!! Thank god Natasha show the true you, or not I would have fall for your tricks." 

"Natasha!!' I said. He believe her more then he believe me. My heart was breaking into two no it break into pieces. For all this time I thought he would believe me, trust me and know the real me but he would believe a girl who just got transfer from god know what school.

"I don't want to see you anymore." Said Matty. I look at him and says,

"I understand. Don't worry I won't call you anymore." My heart start to beat faster and faster, I look down and close my eyes to let the tears fall down to my cheeks while I try to control my breathing.

"Natasha is waiting for me. I got to go." Said Matty. I look up, open my eyes and look at Matty."Okay. Take care."

I reply while I fake a smile. He looks at me for a while, then turn around and walk away. The moment he walk away, my breathing become faster and faster, I felt like someone was squeezing my heart. My leg become weaker and I fall down. I put my hand at my chest try to breathe slowly but I can't. The most important thing in my life just break, the important that I kept away from everyone just break into pieces. I can hear Madison was calling my name, I can smell her thick perfume coming closer to me. Someone was tormenting me from the very start came to me when I was in need while the people who I love a lot just walk away. I just wish I can stop the time for a while.

"Gwen are you alright...breathe slowly." Said Madison while try to help me. I start to breathe slowly just like she asked me; I sit up straight and breathe. While I was trying to breathe, I saw from a far Matty was looking at me. His eyes were looking directly at me. He was worry, he wanted to help but he trust Natasha more than me that he rather stand there and look at me suffering.  I was wrong, Johnson was wrong, he did not love me, if Matty were to love me he would have trust me, believe in me at least ask me something but he don't love me. I was right I should not have trust him if I know that his love for me is that small.  


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