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An hour had passed, and Zayn's head had dropped back onto Liam's shoulder. He was fidgeting with his hands, hoping it would get some of the nervous energy out while Liam was reading a random sports magazine he'd found, occasionally looking down at Zayn.

Zayn's mom was busy on her phone, sorting out some work things and talking to the football coach about what had happened.

"How are you doing?" Liam softly asked. Zayn shrugged.

"Better, I guess. Still worried. I just want to know if he's okay" Zayn whispered.

"I know. He will be. I know it." Liam reassured. Zayn nodded, hoping Liam was right.

"Louis Tomlinson?" a nurse came out. Trisha immediately hung up the phone and Zayn stood up, rushing to stand next to his mom.

"Yes?" his mom said.

"He's stable. He has a severe concussion and some
neck strain, but he'll be just fine. We're going to keep him overnight to monitor him, but you're free to see him." she said. We nodded. "I can take you to his room then." the nurse said. Zayn looked back at Liam.

"I'll wait here. Just let me know if you need anything" he said, offering Zayn a smile. Zayn nodded, smiling back at him. Liam sat back down as Zayn and his mum followed the nurse to Louis' room.

Lpuis was hooked up to a bunch of machines, some x-rays and other images of his brain were sitting on the desk, where a doctor sat.

"Hello. I'm doctor Hatcher" she said, shaking his
mom's hand.

"Trisha. How is he?" she asked.

"He'll be just fine. The concussion healing will be long, but he will recover and be back to normal soon enough"

"No brain damage?" his mom asked.

"No, just the concussion. It is rather severe, so he'll be in a fair amount of pain as he heals, but I can prescribe some painkillers to help with that. His neck has also been strained from the fall, so he may have to wear a neck brace for about a week to help with that." she explained. They nodded, listening to the doctor.

"How does concussion healing work?" his mom

"Lots of rest, mentally and physically. Very minimal TV, reading, that sort of thing. He needs to sleep as well, but you should wake him up about every four hours during the first few days to ensure he's responsive. He's been doing well so far, so I have
no doubts he'll get better and have a full recovery
at home." the doctor said. Trisha continued to ask questions and as Zayn went over to Louis, sitting in the chair beside him.

He heard Louis groan and look over at him.

"Zee?" he mumbled.

"Hi, Boo. How're you feeling?"

"I'm sleepy. What happened? I remember reaching for the ball, then everything is super blurry" he said.

"You got hit pretty hard. You have a concussion, but you'll be okay. You just need to rest and lay low for a little while." Zayn explained. Louis hummed in

"So no school?" he asked, making Zayn laugh.

"No school for at least a week, Boo." Zayn replied.

"Then this isn't so bad." he mumbled. Zayn laughed again as his mom came over to see Louis.

"Lou. How are you feeling, sweetheart?" she asked.

"I'm so sleepy. I want to sleep forever. But Zee told me no school, so I don't really mind being sleepy" Trisha laughed at his response.

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