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I pulled into a parking spot, barely putting the car in park before Louis was out of the car and rushing to the trunk. He opened it and pulled his football bag out. I got out of the car and shrugged my backpack onto my shoulders.

"What time do you have practice until?" I asked Louis. He looked over at me and shrugged.

"I dunno. I'll just ask one of the guys to give me a ride home." I nodded and locked the car before we went our separate ways, him towards the group of his football friends who hung around the front of the school, calling him over to them, and me towards my locker. I rolled my eyes at my brother as he did some complicated handshake with one of the guys, Josh.

I spun the lock on my locker and opened it, putting a few of my books wouldn't need until after lunch inside.

"Soooo, how was the calculus homework?" Mae asked. I closed my locker to see her leaning against the lockers next to mine, a pleading smile on her face. I smiled at her and rolled my eyes.

"It wasn't that bad. I'll help you with it during lunch." I said. She smiled and hummed in agreement.

"Have you seen Noah or Ava?" Mae asked as we walked down the hall to our first class, English. I shook my head.

"I was running a little late this morning. Lou couldn't find his cleats." I said, rolling my eyes. Mae chuckled and pulled out her phone, texting the group chat with all our friends in it.

We walked into English and sat down in our usual seats next to one another in the front row. Mr. Richards walked in as the bell rang and turned to write something on the board.

"Alright, everyone, good morning! We are going to get started with a new unit this morning, Romeo and Juliet!" he said, clapping his hands together excitedly. "We'll get started by doing some background on Shakespeare and the play as a whole, and we will begin reading tomorrow in class, so don't forget your books! Yes, Emma?" Mr Richards said, looking at the girl in the back with her hand up.

"Will we get to watch the movie after we finish reading the play? Like the Leonardo DiCaprio one?" she asked. Mr Richards sighed quietly but smiled.

"Yes, Emma. We will be watching Mr DiCaprio in Romeo and Juliet at the end of this unit." he replied. Emma smiled and nodded as Mr Richards began his lecture on Shakespeare.

The bell rang just as Mae and I were scribbling the last bit of notes into our notebooks.

"Well, I'll see you all tomorrow. And don't forget your books!" he reminded me one last time as we packed up and walked into the hall.

"I'll see you at lunch. Don't forget your calc homework!" Mae said as she headed to her next class.

"Will do." I said with a smile and a nod as I walked into my world history classroom.

After an hour of Mrs June enthusiastically lecturing about different religions around the world, I was ready to go to my favourite class, AP Biology. Mrs. Newsome was my favourite teacher by far, and she allowed me to be her lab assistant for the last hour
of my day. One of the perks of being ahead in classes needed to graduate. I walked into the room and smiled when I saw Mrs. Smith setting out some
lab equipment in the back.

"Good morning, Zayn!" she greeted.

"Good morning, Mrs. Smith. How are the frogs?" I asked, gesturing to the back of the room where she had a few live animals the school allowed the biology and life science teachers to have.

"Todd and Tom are doing just fine." she answered. I smiled at her and sat down in the front row. "Oh, and Zayn?"

I looked up at her. "Yes?" I asked.

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