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Zayn put the last of the adoption drive posters up and hurried to the library. Much to his surprise, Liam was waiting for him outside the doors.

"Hey." he said, his lips quirking up into a
smirk when he saw Zayn.

"Hi. Sorry, I got caught up" Zayn said, unlocking the door and heading to the usual table they worked at.

"No worries." Liam responded, sitting down and unzipping his backpack. Zayn pulled out the worksheet he'd made the night before.

"Damn, dude. When'd ya have time to make this stuff?" Liam asked as he took the paper.

"It doesn't take too long. It's what I do for the people I tutor who are more, uh, challenging" Zayn replied, trying not to offend Liam.

Liam laughed.

"Is that your roundabout way of saying I'm nearing hopeless?" he asked, still laughing. Zayn felt his cheeks heat up.

"No! You just need a little extra help with the basics." he responded. Liam just laughed.

"It's fine, I get it. I can admit when I'm bad at something." he said, still grinning.

Liam was quiet for a while, working on the worksheets Zayn had given him before a frustrated groan made him look over at Liam.

"There's just so many things to memorize. And the test is so soon, I'm never going to get it all in time." he groaned.

"Yes, you will. It'll take some time, but you'll get it. And if you want extra practice we could meet up over the weekend." Zayn reassured him.

"Yeah, it's probably best. I have a game tomorrow night and then family stuff Sunday. Does Saturday work?" he asked. Zayn thought for a second.

"I'm helping a friend with an adoption drive at the shelter. And Lou needs the car all day." Zayn responded, frowning.

"The shelter on Birch?" Liam asked.

"Yeah, why?" Zayn asked.

"I'll just pick you up. I wouldn't mind seeing the dogs either" he said, grinning. Zayn felt his heart flutter in his chest and his lips quirked up into a smile.

"Um, yeah okay. That will work." Liam
nodded as he glanced at the clock, seeing it was getting late, and started putting away his stuff.

"What time does it start?" Liam asked.

"11. But you don't have to come until 1:30. It should be over by then." Zayn said, putting my notebook away.

"Cool. I'll be there at 11 then." Liam responded, zipping his backpack.

"What? Why?" Zayn asked. Liam shrugged.

"I told you, I wouldn't mind hanging out with the animals. Sounds kinda fun." he
responded. A small smile grew on Zayn's face.

"Oh, yeah sure. Sounds good." he replied, standing up and putting his backpack on. They started walking to the door, side by side. Liam waited for him to lock the door.

"See you Saturday." he said with a grin.
Zayn nodded.

"Yeah. Oh, and good luck at the game tomorrow." I said.

"Thanks, Zee. But I don't need it." he responded, smirking. Zayn rolled his eyes and waved as Liam headed towards his locker and he headed towards the parking lot.

Luckily, he made it to the shelter just in time. He greeted Shirley, grabbed his apron, and made his way to the cat. section.

"Zayn! Hey!" Daisy greeted him as he entered.

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