Chapter 13: Splish, Splash, and Slide

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Savannah's POV:
     Golf was fun but today Jason said he is taking us to a water park. I was so excited. He told us yesterday that it had a ton of fun slides which I loved.

     "Okay baby girl which swimming suit do you want to wear?" Ash asked after he got his trunks on and a shirt.

     I thought about it for a minute then went to the dresser pulling out a purple one. "This one Daddy."

     He smiled and nodded. "Okay let's get it on you so we can meet everyone down stairs."

     Ash helped me put on my swimming suit then grabbed one of my coverups and then picking me up taking us downstairs.

     "Daddy I thirsty." I whine laying my head on his shoulder.

     "Okay let's get you a drink. Some of the group isn't down here yet so we have time." He walked into the kitchen and to the fridge. "What do you want Princess?"

     "Can I peas have apple uice?" I asked pointing to a juice box. He nodded shifting me to his right hip holding me with one arm and using his left to get the juice box. He walked over to the stools at the island sitting me down then poking the straw into my juice box.

     "Hey you two. Ready for the water park?" Jason came in and poked the tip of my nose.

     "YES!!" I squealed.

      "Shhhhh" they both said and laughed.

     "Inside voice baby." Asher said picking me up.

     I lay my head on his shoulder and pout. "I sorry Daddy."

     "It's okay Princess just no yelling in the house." He kisses my temple and walks us into the living room with Jason fallowing behind us. Half of our group was sitting in there and some of my friends were on the floor coloring and watching cartoons. I try to wiggle out of Ash's hands but his grip gets tighter. "No ma'am I have to still do your hair."

     I whine "chu ould have done up there." I point to the stairs with a pout.

     "No I couldn't have because I told Jason I would teach him to braid." He pats my butt while rocking me back and forward. "Stop pouting and let me do it then you can go color."

     "Meanie." I mumble and then feel a sharp hard slap to my butt.

     "Watch it young lady we don't have to go." He growls in my ear in a low voice causing me to stiffen. "Understand?" He ask and I nod. "Good now let do your hair." He walks us over to the couch that Jason is already sitting at sits down. He slides me down to the floor. Grabbing the supplies from Jason.

     Asher takes forever showing Jason how to do one side then lets Jason try the other.

     "Man this looks awful." Jason sighs once he is done.

     "For your first time it looks pretty good. It didn't help that she was being a brat and moving the entire time." Asher glares a me. "But now she has to sit though me redoing it so she doesn't get to color long." He gave me a cocky smirk while my face turns into a pout even more than it was. Ash switch's spots with Jason and undoes the one side and restarts it. By time he is done everyone is down stair and we are ready to go. So I don't get to color. We all start to head outside and Asher grabs my hand. I snatch my hand away putting distance in between us as we walk to the cars.

     Asher apparently didn't like that because next thing I know he is snatching me up the arm. Pulling me into his side where he pulls up my cover up and pulls down my bathing suit bottoms and smacking me five hard times on the butt. Tears wail up in my eyes as I whimper. Pulling away rubbing my bare butt.

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