Chapter 10: I Hope You Don't Burn All Your Bridges.

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Aaron's POV
     This year has sucked so far. I felt like so much was going wrong. First I was told I was in a car wreck and was unconscious for a while. Then when I wake up everything is wrong. Asher was clinging on to some girl named Savannah. Then everyone was telling me that she was our little. But that's bull shit Payton was our little. I know my parents didn't like her much but I loved my Pumpkin.

     Asher was head over heels for Savannah and swore up and down Payton was evil. Come to find out he had an entire new friend group and this girl had slithered into our lives like a serpent. Deceiving everyone into loving her. When I found out Payton was in jail awaiting trial my heart broke. When I found out it was because of the little snake I was livid. I quickly found an amazing lawyer to defined the love of my life and I made sure to visit her as much as I could. I also filled her commissary every week. I could let my Pumpkin go without.

     She had told me everything that had happened. How this Savannah girl started school this year and convinced Asher that she was cheating. She said that Asher soon fell for Savannah and left her and I. She told me that Ann and Max know Savannah before they came to Harrison University so they helped her.

     Payton said that they tried to fool me however I knew the truth. Then trying to steal me away Savannah got one of her friends to beat the shit out of her so they could frame Payton. It was disgusting and despicable. I truly hated this girl. I hated my brother and family for falling for her lies.

     I ended up getting my own dorm so I didn't have to watch Asher be with that little bitch. It made me sick to my stomach. I made friends with people Payton said we started to hang around after Asher left. They were okay however I did miss my brother and Max.

     Now anything I look at those two all I can see is how much I can't stand them. When I heard that they were leaving for spring break I was ecstatic I didn't have to deal with them at home all week. Even though our house was big I still didn't want to be that close to them.

     Today was Saturday and it was visitation at the jail. I pulled into the parking lot and headed in. I had to put everything in a bucket to go though an x-Ray. Then I had to step though the metal detector. I had gotten used to this routine after coming every Saturday and Sunday.  I got into the visitation room right when she did. I smiled as I walked over to the table we always sit at and she hugged me. We got to hug once when we e tired and once when we left.

     "Hi Pumpkin." I said quickly kissing her forehead then sitting down.

     "Hi Daddy I missed you." She said. God I missed her voice.

     "How you holding up?"

     "The best I can. Just can't wait for the trail to get here so I can get out. The lawyer says I have a good shoot at it."

     "You will get out and then you and I will get our own place. We will be happy again."

     "I just wish we had Daddy Ash with us too."

     "One day my brother will realize his mistake. I am so sorry he has made you hurt so bad."

     "I just wish if he wanted to leave then he would have just said so instead of cheating." She sighed looking like she was about to cry.

     "What?" That's was a shock to me. She had never mentioned that part.

     "Oh no I didn't mean to tell you that part." She said as her eyes widened and she started to cry. "I was trying to not tell you that part because when it happened I walked in on them. You got so mad that you and Daddy Ash got into a fight fight." Her voice got softer and sadder as the tears fell.

     "You walked in on them?" I felt the heat raising in my face as the anger build. How dare them!

     "Yeah they had skipped class and I went back to the dorm because I forgot my homework and I found Daddy Ash and that girl having sex."

      "Oh pumpkin I am so sorry you had to go through that. I will never let that happen again."

     "At least I still have you."


     "Visitation is ending in five minutes." One of the officers announced.

     "Are you coming tomorrow?" She asked looking up at me with doey sad eyes.

     "Of course pumpkin. I will see you tomorrow." I got up and gave her a hug kissing the top of her head and heading home.

"Hey honey what have you been up too?" My Mom asked as soon as I walked in the door.

     "Was at the jail." I shrugged slipping my shoes off.

      "You went and saw Payton." She said rolling her eyes.

     "Yes and she told me how Asher and that bitch he's with cheated. My poor Pumpkin had to walk in on it. I don't understand why you all like that little slut so much." I glared as I spoke through my teeth.

     "Watch yourself!" Mom glared and spoke loud and stern. "One day you will remember the truth I just pray you don't burn your bridges down. Cause the way you're going you may not be able to rebuild. By the way your brother, cousins, friends and Savannah all made it to Cancun safe."

     I stormed up stairs yelling back at her. "Thats a shame. Maybe I will get lucky and that slut won't come back."

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter but I know someone asked for an Aaron POV. So here you go, hope y'all like it.

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