Chapter 6: You have an Army

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Asher POV
This morning was insane. Trying to make sure I had everything Savvy and I needed was hard. I didn't realize how much I needed Aaron. We worked so well as a team that we were always ready. It didn't help that Savvy didn't want to wake up. I can tell she is nervous about this trip.

"SAVANNAH COME ON LETS GO!" I hollered from the living room. She had ran to the bathroom. I won't lie this trip was making me nervous too. Even though she hadn't be little in a long while I still packed a little bag for her. With all the stress I have a feeling she will regress. All though I really want my little girl back her regressing because of stress is not how I want it to happen.

"Okay I am ready." She said walking into the living room. She had on leggings and a hoodie with her hair in a messy bun.

"Okay let's go we are going to meet everyone in the lobby." I say grabbing our bag.

We split up into two cars and headed to the airport. Once there we made it about twenty minutes after the others landed. Once on the littles and subs ran to each other hugging and squealing. All but Savannah, she just calmly walked over and hugged the others.

"Hey guys how was your flight?" I asked sitting down next to my cousins.

"Not too bad ready to be on the beach though." Claire smiled getting up and hugging everyone. Claire had a sweet side however Wes was probably the calmest out of the three. He was more chill however he kind of seemed on edge today.

"You okay man?" I asked looking him in the eyes.

"Yeah just a rough morning. Flower got in trouble, I just want to get to Cancun. I put a butt plug into her and I am ready to get her alone for some after care." He said the end with a devilish grin. He was lucky I was at this point as abstinent as a nun.

"Sooooo....." Claire smiled looking at all of us whispering a little. "Trevor and I made a bet."

"On?" Ben raised an eyebrow in question.

"How many of the sub and littles we think will get in trouble this week. I say four and Trevor says six." Claire had a sinister smirk.

"Rules? Pay in?" Max asked looking excited.

"It starts now that we are all together. It have to be a real reason you can't just get your little or sub in trouble if you need a number. You also can't lie about them getting in trouble. Since we have littles being put in a corner doesn't count. It has to be spanking worthy to count. Hundred dollar pay in." She was excited about this I could tell.

"I am in I say two." Ben smirked.

"Fuck it , sure, seven." Wesley said leaning back in his seat.

"You think they will all get in trouble?" Ben asked horrified.

Wesley shrugged. "After this morning yes."

"One." Josh said.

"No way that will happen." I roll my eyes he is crazy. "Five."

"I guess that leaves three for me. I feel okay with that number." Max. I can't believe we were doing this but I feel like I was about to win a bet.

The plane ride wasn't to bad the subs and littles watched a movie while the doms played cards.

"Are you ready for this Ash?" Max whispered after the pilot announced our decent.

"Honestly I don't know." I sighed "I just hope this helps her and doesn't hurt her." I didn't want to get my hopes up but I was praying this trip would changes things for the better.

Savannah's POV
I would have to admit being around everyone was amazing. I hadn't seen Flower, Kason, or Hailey since winter break. Maybe this trip wouldn't be so bad. I just wish the old Aaron was with us.

We watched a movie on the jet however most the time we just whispered to one another.

"Flower are you okay?" Lily asked after Flower had fidgeted around for the millionth time.

I saw a deep red flush across her face. "I umm got in trouble this morning."

"Oh you got a spanking so your butt hurts?" Lily nodded understanding.

"Something like that." Flower blushed even brighter causing Hailey and Kason to laugh.

"What's going on? A spanking isn't funny." Ann jumped in defending Lily and Flower.

"That's not all she got." Kason snickered.

But when all four of us looked at him like deer in headlights Flower sighed. "He put a really big plug in and I am a little uncomfy."

"A what?" Lily said in horror causing Huey and I to laugh at her. Out of all of us Lily and Ben were the closet to being vanilla as a DDLG couple could be.

"She has a butt plug in Lil." I whispered laughing when her face turned white then red.

"Ooo.... o..... oh." She stumbled and looked away from us.

I kind of felt sorry for her you could tell she was not comfortable.

"So how do you think this week will go?" Huey came to her rescue changing the subject and turning the attention to me.

"I am happy that I get to be with all of you all." I pause to collect my thoughts. "However I am supper nervous about being around Jason. I have always wondered what my Dad would be like and now that I know who he is I am scarred. What if he is my worst fear and not at all what I have been wishing for since I was a kid?"

"Well you will never know unless you give him the chance. Plus I have a good feeling about him. But if he is your worst fear you have an army behind you that will kick his a— booty." Huey said as he held back the curse word he almost said. He said that Josh hated cussing and would wash his mouth out every time. Needless to say Huey tried his best to be cautious. But what he said was true I have an army to help me and I will never know if I don't try.

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