I chuckled, pressing a hand to my chest in relief. "Alright, I can deal with that."

Lexi narrowed her eyes at me. "It's not funny Blake. And you should start playing again, honestly. You shouldn't be wasting your talent like this."

I shrugged and then bumped her shoulder with mine softly. "I don't call playing piano for my girlfriend wasting my talent."

"It's not what I meant and you know it. If you don't go study in art, you should in music."

Ah the dreadful future plans. I still had no idea what I was supposed to do. And we definitely wouldn't figure it out today.

"We'll see about it," I smiled and then said, "Anyway, want to play?"

My Pumpkin blinked slowly, kind of frozen. "I don't even know what notes are every keys!"

"Well that easy," I replied, and then gave a quick piano lesson.

I remembered Lexi singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star while drunk, so I teased her about it, before showing her how to play it.

I could see how eager my girlfriend was to learn how to play. This was easy for me to teach, so I did it happily.

I let Lexi play it over and over again, and then sometimes played along her, adding a few notes.

And then I decided to play parts of Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven, and Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen that I still remembered, while slipping in Happy Birthday in there, making Lexi roll her eyes.

She sat beside me, completely focussed on my playing. If I had been playing with my father, I knew he would have been judging me. I would have known exactly which parts would have made him correct me. But with Lexi, it was nicer, because she wasn't critiquing me. She was only encouraging me.

Even on her birthday, she was the one giving me a gift.

"Alright, music lesson is over now. I had other plans," I said, getting up.

My Pumpkin got up too. "Plans? You have plans? Really? I never could have guessed with how crazy you've been about my birthday in the last days," she said teasingly, and then rolled her eyes.

"Stop it," I laughed.

"So, what are these plans?" she asked, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

I narrowed my eyes at her. "None of that."

"None of it?"

"Come on," I just told her, taking her hand in mine and towing her to the real first part of her birthday present.

She stopped complaining when she realized where I was taking her.

"Suddenly, I'm a wonderful boyfriend, am I not?" I asked her as I opened the door to the room where we kept all the vinyls.

"Suddenly, I have the best boyfriend in the world," she replied teasingly, making me grin.

"You can look around," I told her, letting go of her hand. "Because I'm the best boyfriend in the world I planned our lunch too, though it's a little late now."

"Did you make it?" she asked, sounding only slightly worried.

"Of course not. I just told you I was the best boyfriend in the world. I wouldn't do that to you."

She grinned in response and said, "Thank Anita for me."

"Will do."

I came back quickly and we settled on the floor with the food prepared by Anita, like we were having a little picnic while I put on Gee by The Crows, letting the cheery tune fill the room.

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