Chapter 22

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"Hey muffin" manik said as he sat down in the car

"Hey" I couldn't help but grin

I know it's stupid but I grin  whenever I see manik, I feel like I am addicted to manik, more than I was previously.

he shoved his bag in the back and kissed my cheek.

He was wearing a black shirt and some jeans and his sleeves were rolled up ahhh, I was so in love with this man

"What you just pulled back there was not acceptable love" he said

"What did I do" I asked

"Well first you saw my teammates changing and two you swore in front of me" he listed out

"They were shirtless"

"And you are only allowed to see me that way, is that clear" he asked


"Sweetheart, lets not push it" he whispered leaning closer

I could smell his minty breath and that body wash he uses, has he had showered before coming in the car?

"Did you shower" I asked

"I did, but that's not the answer to my question"

"Mhmm yes it's clear"

"And no swearing" he said


"Nandini baba"

"Okay I won't but I am not apologizing for swearing at your mother"

"I didn't ask you to for that"

"Okay deal, I will not swear" I said

He pecked my nose and started driving

"Can I know where we are going" I asked

"Not yet, you'll find out soon" he said

"Manik why do you always do this"

"Becasue I okay no shut it for the next 20 minutes"

"Rude ass human" I mumbled

"Im sorry, just please be patient with me" he reached out for my hand

"I just wanna know, can I please get a hint" I whined

"Yes you may, but only after you fulfil the deal we made"

"What deal" I asked caressing his arm

"The kiss" he said making me blush

I started chewing on my lips and started looking outside at the view. I heard him chuckle seeing me so quiet and not asking for hints anymore but whatever.

About half and hour later manik pulled up to a house, it was huge and majestic but not familiar

"Mani" I whispered

"Yes jaan" he answered parking the car

"Where are we" I asked

"I will answer those questions in a second" he siad coming out of the car

He opened my door before I got a chance to because I was too busy gawking at the house.

"Thank you" I  mumbled

"Your welcome butterfly" he said grabbing my hand

He walked closer to the house with me and then put in a code on the door causing it to open

"Holly shish" I mumbled as the doors opened

"I know sweetheart" I heard manik's voice as he placed his hand on my back leading me int he house

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