Chapter 21

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And woahh I did and as soon as I sat the prof walked in making me smile in satisfaction.

Well the class was long and boring but as soon as I heard the professor putting the white board marker down I packed up and ran out right behind the prof

When I got to the parking, bhai was waiting for me so I got in the car and strapped up.

"Girl we gotta talk" he said

"Yes sir, what have I done" I asked making him laugh

"Nothing cutie, I'm just wondering whats cooking with manik and you"

"Oh that"

"Yes that?"

"Mhmm should I be honest"

"Always" he replied

"Okay so we are exclusive, im gonna say we are dating" I blurt out and looked at bhai to see his reaction

"Finally, jeez took ya'll a while" he teased

"Hey you know the things we went through was bad"

"Yup, that bitch especially"

"Agreed but I think it just made us stronger" he smiled hearing me

"Also that idiot is full on freaking out" he told me

"Wait Why?"

"How would I know, I thought you'd be able to help" he said

"I don't know bhai, he just has been so stressed and nervous all day. He never forces me to be there if he knows I have practice but today he was begging for me to be there before the game starts"

"I know, I was just there and he was constantly checking his phone. Its like he is distracted"

There has to be a specific reason for this nervousness because Manik is a player, he has been playing since he was a child, and just becasue he hasn't practiced much doesn't mean he has lost his touch. There was something else!!!

I don't think I have ever seen him this nervous since, oh shittt.

I turned to bhai who had just parked outside the gym his game was in.

"Bhai are there any chief guests" I asked getting out of th car

"Ya I think so but I don't know who exactly"

"If I'm not wrong, its gonna be mr and mrs malhotra becasue that is the only reason or cause of his nervousness. He was nervous like this a few years ago becasue they were guests" I said

"Could be, which is why he needs you"

"Maybe" I mumbled as we got in the gym

I looked around and saw Manik sitting on the bleacher by his coach, his coach was saying something but manik didn't seem to be listening.

I didn't even look at bhai while mumbling a bye as I walked behind the crowd and bleachers to where manik was.

"Hey you can't go there" I heard the security guard

i was just going to ignore him but he grabbed my arm pulling me back

"Let me go"

"No, you aren't allowed in there so if you don't want to be kicked out go sit in the bleachers over there" he said pointing at the rest of the crowd

"I understand but I just"

"I said over there or out" he said glaring at me

"Please just let me go see manik, he"

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