Chapter 10

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Nandini's pov

Guess whatttt it is holidays well midterm break but I am so happy that I will get to sleep in and also umm Manik has been so sweet and nice and what I mean by that is he is coming back to me. He is becoming the Manik he has always been with me but im scared.

I am scared that another girl will enter his life and I will be forgotten. I did forgive him but im still insecure and hurt. He tries everything to get me to smile and its not like im not smiling but he knows its not from the heart

I was on my way back home and yes I have been taking metro or an auto every day becasue I don't want to drive with Manik not until him and I have talked which we haven't gotten a chance to yet.

I had came home, changed and was now sitting well laying in bed when my door opened and manik walked inside

A single look at him and I knew he was sad, I mean who am I kidding I know I am the reason for his sadness. The past couple days manik has been getting me flowers and no not bouquets just a single flower.

He doesn't say anything he just gives them to me in the morning with a smile, not a happy one but a sad one. everyday he has been eating whatever I make, he doesn't complain or be fussy.

Its almost like he has been walking on eggshells around me, one wrong move and I will burst which is false because I won't.

"Hi" he whispered sitting on the bed beside me


"I can't do this Nandini, I am not as strong as you are" he whispered

I could hear his voice cracking and his eyes tearing up, a sight I absolutely hate. I hate seeing Manik cry, last night when he teared up I lost it all. I jsut couldn't keep it together anymore

"What's wrong" I asked

He just shook his head

"Come here" I said patting the bed asking him to lay down

He shook his head again making me smile seeing how stubborn this man is

"Come on lay down" I whispered

"Mhmm I just wanted to ask if you would come with me"

"I would" I replied

"You didn't ask where, no details" he said

"I don't need any details"

"Its a week trip" he said and I nodded

He got up but I grabbed his arm stopping him in his tracks

"Lay down" I said again


"You don't have anything to do, it's 8 so lay down"

he stood there just looking at me

"Lay down monkey" I whispered pulling him a little

He laid down on his stomach beside me.

"Whats wrong" I asked

"I ned something, anything at this point Nandini because I am sinking fast. I don't know how you held it together for 6 fucking months but I am not strong enough for that, I just am not" he whispered

"Whats wrong?" I asked again

"Tujhai ni bata" he asked looking up at me

I shook my head making him scowl

"Tujhai pata hai, you know it still you want me to say it" he said

"Correct so say it to me, why this trip? Why this sad face? I forgave you yet you have been sulking around"

"You did say you that I am forgiven but you are hurt and insecure"

I wasn't shocked at that, he knows me in and out so of course he knows why I have been distant, he knows it all.

"I told you I wanted to talk to you a few days ago"

"You did" he said

"Before that what is this trip for?" I asked

"For us" he whispered

"Im confused" I said

"Ill explain later"

A comfortable silence fell in the room.

"Kya Hua" I asked seeing frowns on his forehead as his eyes were closed

"Nothing" he said shaking his head

"You know Manik its frustrating when you try lying to me and it pisses me off"

"Shh lets get your stuff packed and we can talk more when we reach the place"

"When do we have to leave" I asked

"In an hour and bit" he siad

"Everyone is ready to go" I asked

"Nope, jsut you and I becasue cabir and navya will come tomorrow and the rest of them are going to Vegas for you know what so now go get your stuff packed'

"Did you pack" I asked

"Yup all done, bas tu kar lai phir chaltai hai"

"Car" I asked getting up going into my closet

"No" he replied


"Flight, then car and we can drive back if you want"

"Manik where are we going" I asked

"Shh, pack" he siad

I chuckled a little as I packed clothes while Manik and I talked about exams which are soon after like in a couple months.

"All done" I said

He got up from my bed walking to me and boy he is so freaking handsome.

He grabbed my bag and then my arm walking down to the living room where bhai and navya told us to be safe and that they will see us tommorow.

After bidding bye to them we took a cab to the airport and boarded our flight which was taking us to goa.

I rested my head on Manik's shoulder on the flight and his head rested on top of mine. There was a lot going on in my head and in his, I knew it and honestly though I was hurt, Manik is so much more important to me than my pain and hurt

We landed in goa and took a cab to the house we were staying in. It is a beautiful house, it is cozy and warm.

"Explore tomorrow, for now go change ill order take out" he said

"Ice cream" I siad

"Nandini its cold out, ice cream will make you sick"

"Ice cream" I repeated walking to the room

I did hear him saying how its cold and blah blah but I also knew he would order it because I asked

I showered and put on shorts and a t shirt. As I walked to the living room I saw Manik closing the front door turning to me with food in his hands

His Best FriendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora