Chapter 17

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Manik's pov

I woke up hearing little barks, I was going to ignore it but then I remembered brownie, our puppy.

I opened my eyes and saw Nandini's face, my heart did a whole summersault seeing her. her lips were parted slightly, her hair covering half her face so I moved her hair out of the way and leaned down kissing her chubby cheeks

She moved closer to my touch making me smile, I kissed her head and covered her with blankets getting up still hearing brownie's little barks

I got up and moved the lid of the basket  to see brownie up, he looked at me with his innocent puppy eyes

"Hi" I said


"Hello" I said again


"Hey lets be nice"

he whined a little making me smile

"Im being difficult aren't I" I asked and he barked making me chuckle

i leaned down and picked him up, he cuddled closer to me.

"Why are you up" I asked him

He barked

"Hey lets not be loud, Nandini is sleeping" I said

His eyes looked around as if understanding what im saying

"She is right over there" I said turning so he was facing nandini

He barked softly, his eyes moving from her to me and back to her and then me

"Yup that's you mom" I said carrying him outside

"You know she is such a sleepy head like you"

He barked at me probably getting offended. I took him our to the little grass patch so he could poop and pee which he did becasue he was trained.

I then placed him on the kitchen floor and seeing that I have placed him down he looked at me

"You can run around but jsut in here while I make coffee okay" I said and he barked

He ran around in the kitchen while I made some coffee for myself, I usually have normal coffee but I was feeling an iced coffee today so it didn't take too long to make

"Brownie come here cutie" I said

He ran up to me and sat in front of my feet. I picked him up and then my coffee.

"Did you wanna play with toys" I asked kissing his head

He didn't bark, just made himself comfortable in my arms as I walked back up to our room

Seeing nadnini still sleeping, I grabbed a pillow and put it on my desk chair placing brownie on top of the pillow. He closed his eyes right away and fell a sleep so quick making me chuckle.

I wheeled the chair beside the bed so I could keep an eye on him. I rested my back on the bed rest and as if sensing that im back beside her, nandini moved her head placing it on my stomach

Smiling I wrapped my arm around her rubbing her back gently. I was going through some emails as usual when nandini held my t shirt tighter

"Manik" she whispered

"Yes babe"

Hearing me she opened her eyes and smiled at me

"Good morning butterfly" I whispered

"Good morning" she whispered getting up and laying her face in between my shoulder and face

"What are you having" she asked

"Iced coffee, want some" I asked

"Yes but I need to brushy"

"Go brush then"

"Did you brush mani" she asked

"I did" I told her

"Good boy" she said like a mother

"Meri ma ja brush karkai a" I said making her chuckle

She got up and walked to the bathroom with her eyes half open. She came out after a bit and jumped on my chest

"Hi" i kissed her cheeks

"His, coffee" she asked

I grabbed it and she sipped on it for a couple seconds but suddenly gasped

"Oh my gosh manik"

"Relax, he is right here" I said knowing she remembered brownie

"He is so cuteeee" she gushed making me smile

She leaned over me and patted his head gently, she literally laid down over my legs and kept kissing his head.

"He sleeps too much" she pouted looking at me

"He really doesn't, he woke up this morning"

"He did" her eyes wide

"He did, I took him to the green patch I have in the balcony of the living room and then I fed him. He Is a sassy one ill tell you that"

"Hey don't call him sassy" she said

She got up from over my legs and laid back down resting her back against my chest. I wrapped my arm around her resting it on her stomach.

"He is sassy and he talks back like you"

"No he isn't, wait a second what do you mean like you" she asked tilting her head to the side to look at me

Gosh she is so beautiful, I genuinely mean it, she is the most beautiful women in this whole entire universe

"Hellooo I am talking to you dude" she said poking my chin

"Yes, what were you saying" I asked

"Are you thinking about other girls" she asked

I knew she was teasing but there was a hint of insecurity there which is normal.

"I was" I replied

"Is she pretty"

"Beautiful" I said with a smile

"Can I know who" she asked with a tinge of jealousy which I enjoy so much

Her being jealous and expressing that through her expressions even though she isn't aware that she is expressing it is such a wonderful thing

"Its you" I whispered

Her cheeks tinted pink as she lowered her eyes holding my arms that were around her tighter.

"What's wrong" I asked kissing the top of her head

I mean I did want to tease her but she looked so beautiful and happy in this moment that I didn't want to take away from this moment

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