Chapter 7

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"Bhai" I whispered

"Nandini he"

"Shh it's okay, I jsut want to let you know I am going to go send the night in the orphanage. Please don' question anything and let me be for a bit"

"Nandini but its your"

"Its okay bhai" I interrupted him

He gave me a sad smile so I leaned up and kissed his cheek

I packed a few clothes and my notes which I had photocopied for manik as well. I went out of my room and saw bhai standing there.

"Bhai get him to have some healthy food"

"Nandin please don't"

"Its not because of him, I just need some time alone"


"Please bhai"

"Fine" he said

I didn't even go to check up on manik, I asked bhai to drop me at the orphanage and he did.

"Im coming back to pick you up tom" he said


"Shh count to 10" he said


"Do it"

I pouted but nodded counting to 10.

"10" I said and he smiled

"Happy birthday cutie" he said kissing my head

"Thank you bhai"

Yup it was midnight, it was my birthday today, a day I used to enjoy a lot with manik becasue he always was the first one to wish me and the last one to wish me before the next day.

Its funny how fast nights change and how quickly others become priority but hey at least bhai remembered.

"Nandu ill stay with you" he siad

"No bhai it's fine"

"Tomorrow afternoon im coming back to pick you up" he stats

"Okay but please don't say anything to manik"

"But he"

"Please" he nodded.

He sat down at the orphanage with me for a little bit but then I forced him to go back home. The orphanage has a lot of good memories for me so the aunty here loved that I was back for a day

I just laid down and distracted myself with notes as I studied but my head was going back to manik's words and how he feels suffocated.

it was kind of like he didn't care what I said but there was one thing that had to be told to manik and I will tell him tommorow. I mean I tried before too but he refused to listen and said I was losing it but tommorow when I go back I will tell him again

The whole night I studied and then the next day I went to college and walked in my bio class which I had with manik and soha.

There was a flicker in my heart, a hope that he will remember what day it is but I was wrong. He walked inside with soha and his eyes met mine for a split second but he looked away.

I took a deep breath and wrote my notes as the prof lectured. Once the class was done I walked over to manik's desk and soha smirked at me

"Don't smirk at me girl" I said raising my eyebrows at her

I was done being the nice nandini

"Excuse me" she said

"Tell you what, you have mhmm about 5 hours to tell him the truth or I will" I said and manik's face hardened a bit

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