Chapter 15

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He loaded our stuff in the car and opened the door for me, I mumbled a soft thank you and buckled up.

He got in and started the car, a smile playing on his lips making me wonder the reason behind it.

"Hey whats the reason behind that smile?" I asked

He chuckled

"Just remembering your first car ride with me"

I glared at him hearing this because he was making fun of me

I was 16 when manik started driving yes without a licence but he would take me with him. Well the first time I sat in the car with him, he was driving fine until he pressed the break really hard because a cute dog came in the way suddenly.

No thats not the reason why he was smiling, he was smiling because I went flying to the front, and I did get hurt on my forehead which he was worried about but I had this bump on my head so he started calling me Humpty Dumpty

"Manik stop it" I said folding my arms against my chest

"Acha sorry baba but you gotta admit it was funny"

"Ha ha h very very funny, shut up" I said making him laugh louder

"Manikkk" I whined

"Han Jaan" he said in between his laugh

I swear my heart skips a beat ever time he uses endearments, I love how effortlessly he loves me

"Bas na mani"

"Okay bas, is my cutie hungry" he asked, eyes up ahead on the road

"A little bit" I said

"Open the console, I have snacks there until we stop for dinner"

I opened it to find all my favourite snacks, like legit everything, from chips to chocolate to candy. There was a single rose too, a red one.

"Manik" I whispered

he hmmed

I looked over and grabbed his arm, he looked at me for a second and put his arm on my leg since I was sitting with my legs crossed up on the seat

"Whats up" he asked as I caressed his arm

"Thank you, I appreciate it a lot"

"For what, love"

"Just everything"

"Thank you nandini" he said squeezing my leg a bit

"For what, love" I mocked his voice and his sentence

He looked over for a second and grinned, he has this adorable grin he gets when he is happy

"I like when you call me that" he said leaning over and kissing the side of my head

"Mani focus on driving"

"I am"

"You said thank you, what for?" I asked again

"For forgiving me so easy which I'm still not sure why you did but you did and I am thankful for that. I am thankful for your care, your love, just you Nandini. I never express myself because you understand me without words or expressions. You read my body language and I love that. You mean the world to me nandini and I don't wanna be in a world that doesn't have you in it"

"I forgave you becasue my heart couldn't handle being away for longer, I saw guilt in your eyes"

"But you could have made me grovel more and made me jealous and stuff" he said making me giggle

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