Chapter 3

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Manik's pov

Its been a while since I have dated dated someone, I mean someone who I actually liked and tonight I took this girl, well soha out to dinner and asked her out officially and sand guess wahttt. She said yes so I am a boyfriend now.

Currently soha and I were at her apartment just sitting on the couch.

"No baby don't go" soha said when I moved away from her a little

"Soha, its so late I have to go home" I said caressing her face

"No please stay with me"

i was about to reply when my phone beeped, but soha was quick enough to grab it from me


"Manik baby please, just let it be" she said pouting at me

I chuckled a little at her pout making her smiles she laid her head on my arm

"Are you asking me to stay over" I asked

"Yes I am"

"We have college tomorrow" I reasoned

"Doens't matter"

I was talking to her about god knows what, I think we talked for a bit before I fell a sleep becasue the next when I woke up I was alone.

I rubbed my eyes a little and looked around to find the room empty, I grabbed my phone from the couch and saw it off. I tried turning it back on but it was dead.

I walked out to her living room adn saw her having coffee. I walked to her and kissed her head sitting beside her

"Hiii" she chirped

"Hi, what time is it" I asked

"Umm it is 8" she replied

"Fuckk, I gotta go soha" I said running to the front door where my shoes were

"Wait, why?" She asked rushing after me

"Its 8, shit I fell a sleep last night"

"So what"

"Nothing, ill explain later okay bye" I said running out

I drove home, I was speeding but it's fine we aren't going to tell nandini so we good.

Nandini, hehe she is my life man. She is my best friend, she is my comfort. You know there is only one person on this earth who can yell at me and hit me yet be walking on their own legs and thats her. She gets away with everything becasue she is my little butterfly.

A smile made it's way to my lips thinking about nandini, you know she does these things such as smacking me when I speed or yelling at me like a mother, something no one else does. She cares for me more than my own father or mother did or does.

I got home in less than half and hour, I used my key and as soon as I walked in, my heart literally broke a little.

Nandini was sleeping on the couch, her head in such an uncomfortable position, she was holding onto red, her little teddy bear I got her a while back.

I walked closer to her and sat beside her, reaching up to her face I caressed her chubby cheeks a little causing her to jerk up in fear

"Shh relax, it's just me" I whispered

Seeing it's me she relaxed but the next second her face covered with worry

"Manik, you are okay right? Everything is fine? You aren't hurt?" She rambled

"Shh butterfly, im fine. I am sorry I lost track of time, and fell a sleep at soha's house" I whispered caressing her face

She never sleeps until im home adn usually when I get late, I call her as I get in the car and talk to her the way home but last night I completely forgot

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