Chapter 6

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It was later in the night like super late and manik still hadn't had dinner which was messed up becasue he has practice early in the morning but he isn't in bed or fed yet.

I looked over at mukti to find her looking at me, I took my phone out of my pocket and texted her

'Whats up' I asked

'What is wrong with this bitch' she texted back making me chuckle a little

'Whats wrong'

'She is sticking to him like he is honey and she is a god damn bee'

'Do me a favour and get him to go to bed and also eat' I replied

She groaned at the text becasue she knows how stubborn manik is

'Please muku' I pouted looking at her

'Fineee' she texted back

"Manik lets go get some food I'm starving" she said holding onto manik's arm

"Food yes"

"Wait, manik you have practice in the morning lets go to sleep" soha said

"Shittt, I totally forgot" manik said getting up from the couch and running up to his room followed by you know who

"God she is annoying as fuck" alia said as soon as soha was out of sight

"Hey, if he hears it he will get upset" I said

"Doesn't matter we do not like her anyways" mukti said

"Off to bed everyoeee" I yelled making them all chuckle

Everyone went off to bed except me becasue I was hell worried about manik.

He has lost so much weight, the man is constantly juggling all the things and none of it is getting done to his best ability. Its stupid that he cannot figure out how toxic she is for him.

I couldn't sleep the whole night so I just prepared some notes and then got ready to go to college. I had left early after leaving a message in the group chat.

I went straight to the library and put in my headphones studying. I didn't need to go to classes because there was a basketball game so we had a day off.

I was studying when my phone beeped but I ignored it until it started ringing like multiple times making me sigh

I took my headphones off and turned my phone over and saw it was cabir bhai calling.

"Hello" I said as soon as he picked up the call

"Okay so don't freak out but"

Oh hell no, I was flipping shit already, I put the phone against my ear as I started packing my notes

"But what" I asked

"So mhmm"


"Manik fainted" he said and I swear to god I couldn't breath for a second

"What the hell do you mean? Where are you" I asked running out of the library

"Home" he said

I cut the call and took a cab home, I reached in 10 minutes running in the house. No one was in the living room so I ran up to manik's room to find everyone standing around the bed.

"What happened" I asked causing them all to turn around

"He fainted right after his game" druv said

"Did the doctor give any medicine" I asked putting my bag down on the couch

"He gave him an injection so he will be very crabby when he wakes up" alia said

"That's fine, mhmm did he hit his head" I asked sitting beside him

"He didn't, i was right there" soha said

I could feel the anger building in my veins

"Soha I am going to say this as nicely as possible, fuck off"

i usually do not swear but god she makes me wanna pull my hair out

"Im sure manik will not like that when he wakes up" she replied with a smirk

"We will see about that" I said caressing manik's face

He looked so dull and that sparkle he usually has was gone, his knuckles were bruised from god knows what.

"Why are his knuckles bruised" I asked looking at cabir

"Not sure, we don't spend time like we used to" he said

Before I could reply I felt manik's hand moving a little holding mine unconsciously. I caressed his face a little as he opened his eyes.

"Hi monkey" I whispered

A small smile erupted on his face

"Hi" he whispered back groggily

"What happened" I asked caressing his beard

"Oh my gosh baby, are you okay?" Soha said pushing me a little

"Im fine" he replied

"Soha get off him, he needs to breath" I said seeing her laying on his chest

"Im fine nandini" he said making me shake my head at him

"Shut the hell up, I literally told you to eat last night but no you are on some stupid shitty diet and look where it has gotten you" I rambled

"Relax, im fine"

"No you aren't manik. I am going to be brutally honest with you right now. You need to get your shit together becasue you are losing it, just becasue you are dating someone doesn't mean you skip meals and practice. Its like you have lost yourself and you should never feel that when dating someone else. Its bull crap that she is all you worry about yet she doesn't worry about you at all"

His face hardened hearing me but he needs to know, I have had enough anyways.

"Manik see baby, I told you nandini doesn't like me" soha said dropping her fucking crocodile tears

"Soha im sure she doesn't mean it like that" he whispered

"No manik I mean it, I meant every bit of what I said"

Hearing me his jaw hardened and his hands fisted tightly, I could tell he was angry.

"Nandini get out" he said

"What" I asked trying to digest what he just said

"You heard me, get the fuck out of my room" he reiterated

"Manik watch your words" cabir said

"Cabir don't get in the middle of this"

"Im not but its nandini you are talking to, nandini"

"Well that nandini doesn't get that I am happy in my life with my girlfriend but she keeps on running her mouth. Did you know that soha keeps crying and has anxiety every time Nandini yells at her. Nandini makes her feel like she can't take care of me and honestly its fucked up. I feel suffocated so please jsut let me be"

His words cut deeper than a knife could, I didn't know what to say or how to defend myself so instead I took a deep breath to calm down.

"Im sorry I made you and your girlfriend feel like that. I apologize and I promise it won't happen again" I said to them both

"Thank you for understanding Nandini" soha said smirking

I knew it was her words he spoke and not his own

I smiled a little and looked at cabir bhai who followed me out of the room as I exited

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