"Okay that's it, you are going to be kicked out now" he said holding my arm tighter as he started dragging me away

"Sir I understand but"

"Shut up" he said dragging me

"MANIKKK" I screamed not seeing the guard letting me go

"Quit it" the guard said

"You are hurting me" I mumbled trying to get to get out of his hold

"GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF HER NOW" we heard, I immediately knew it was Manik's voice

The guard turned around and manik stood there in anger visible on his face. As soon as the guard's grip loosened a little I ran to manik


"Im sorry, I didn't know know she knew you" the guard said

"It's okay, it's your job. Don't worry about it" I said before manik could yell at him

Manik grabbed my arm and walked over to the change room.

"Did he hurt you" he asked scanning my arms

"It's not a big deal manik"

"Jesus fuck, your arm is bright red" he said seeing the bruise that would probably form around my elbows because of the guard's hold

"Its okay"

"No it's not, that man is done here" manik said walking out but I grabbed his arm stopping him

"Look at me" I said

His eyes met mine and all the worry, insecurity, nervousness, just everything he was feeling was there. Frowns on his forehead and the way his jaw was hardened let me know he wasn't just angry at the guard, he was pissed at someone else too

"Are your parents here" I asked and his jaw hardened more

"Talk to me" I whispered

"Why do they purposely come to these games nandini, they don't give a shit about me yet they come to games when they know I am playing, it's like they want to see me fail and it annoys me. I fucking hat every bit of it. I hate this. I don't even want to go out there and play"

"But you will, you will play and show them who my manik is. You will play not becasuse you have to prove who my manik is but becasue you love basketball. Manik you cannot let them take away the most beautiful thing you have" I whispered caressing his biceps

"But they come here to watch me fail"

"Yet you play with your whole heart and wi every time"

he sat down on the bench and ran his fingers through his hair. I squatted in front of him and held onto his hands

"It's okay, im right here. Just play with your whole heart like you always do and don't be upset becasue of someone who doesn't care about you"

"Nandini I just don't feel like going out there. I am anxious" he whispered

I leaned forward and kissed his jawline a couple times, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in his lap.

He hid his face in my neck while I caressed his back gently dropping kisses on his head.

"Manik what are you doing" I looked up to see his coach walking in

"Oh hey Nandini" he said

"Hi mark" I said

"Manik I need you out, we are starting warm up" he said more to me then manik becasue he knows manik wasn't in the zone right now

he left seeing me nod

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