28| The After

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28| The After

Lyn was sitting on a floor, a dark floor that seemed to be like a void. All around her was eternal space as there was no end or beginning. It was cold yet she sat still, waiting.

It'd been a desperate wait, she didn't remember when she got there or why, but she felt the need to stay.

Another moment passed before a small light caught her eye in the distance. Her eyes grew wide as she stood hoping the approaching light wasn't a figment of her imagination.

"Ben?" Lyn asked in surprise as the light around him illuminated the area around her.

"My dear," Obi-Wan held a hurt expression. "What has happened to you? What have they done?"

Lyn furrowed her brows, everything was fine. She tried to remember what happened before but couldn't conjure up anything. What did he mean?

"Ben, I don't—"

"—You are not lost." Obi-Wan assured with a low uneasy sigh. "There is still time, it's not too late."

"Time for what?" Lyn let out as she moved to Obi-Wan but hurtfully stopped as he took a step back. "Ben, where am I? And time for what?" She asked hoping he'd answer all the questions in her head.

"To turn away, to come back." He let out as Lyn shook her head in confusion. Before she could speak, another silhouette caught her eye in the distance.

Despite being completely dark, minus the area Obi-Wan illuminated, Lyn was able to catch the wispy-dark being in the abyss.

"The path you are on is dangerous, Lyn." Obi-Wan informed as he looked to the black distance, that she'd been staring at, in worry.

"I don't understand." Lyn shook her head as the presence came closer with every passing second. She wanted to look away but something about it was so addicting and hard to look away. "Bless the stars, am I dead?" She let out as she looked to Obi-Wan scared.

"Is some sort of test?" She asked looking from a tight lipped Obi-Wan to the black wisp that stood next to him.

Lyn grew curious and confused as no answer had been given, she reached out to it but hesitantly stopped as it didn't move away like Obi-Wan had.

Lyn looked to Obi-Wan and opened her mouth to ask him a dire question but stopped as she heard the figure whispering.

"Don't listen to it." Obi-Wan warned as she looked to the wisp and stood just before it.

"But it's saying something." Lyn lightly shook her head as she tried leaning in to hear better. The more she drew closer the more her thoughts ran.

This was a mistake. A big one. If she were dead, it was an obvious choice of choosing in front of her, Light or Dark, Evil or Good, Order or Chaos, despite the obvious everything in her wanted to hear what it was trying to say.

"Lyn." Obi-Wan persisted. "This is a mistake."

Lyn shook her head, the whispering was clearer now but still distant. What was it saying? What was it telling her? She leaned a bit more in and found it was saying something about—

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