12| The Unexpected Misadventure

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12| The Unexpected Misadventure

    Lyn had woken up suddenly when she felt her body almost fall off of the bunk. She had been near the edge, but it was the ship that had nearly thrusted her off.

     She sat up, rubbing her eyes with yawn as she was grateful for little rest she got that didn't end up with her in a sweat. She definitely needed more but that'll do for now. She looked in front of her and figured Obi-Wan had left her to get what rest she could as she found the bunk he was at, empty.

      She stood up and stretched her muscles then opened the pocket door, walking through the corridor as she made her way to the main hold, wondering just how close they were to Alderaan. As she neared the hold, a sudden drop in the temperature made her shiver as fumbling noises were heard. She wondered if they had made some fuel stop at a hot terrain that made Han want to turn down the temperature.

     And as curious as she was about the fumbling noises, she just hoped Luke didn't lose it out on Han. Shaking her head at the thought, she turned the corner into the Main hold and immediately stopped at the doorway.

     If she had been drowsy from her sleep, she was wide awake now. The sight of what she saw in the hold made her freeze suddenly as her heart pounded in her ears and stomach dropped lower than the ground.

     Chewbacca had been on the floor with a thick line of blood seeping out of his mouth and soaking into his fur. Just a few inches down, singe marks were scattered all over his chest.

    "No sir, we got them." A muffled voice spoke as many footsteps quickly grew closer. "Seems like the pilot didn't wanna talk, he got what was coming to him." The trooper chuckled.

    Lyn furrowed her brows in confusion and worry as she quickly looked around trying to see if there had been anything or anyone in the room, but before she could turn her head, the stormtroopers quickly entered from the other doorway.

      "Get her!" One of the 5 called out as they started shooting.

    Lyn had already caught the gist as she quickly brought her saber out, easily parrying the shots back at the troopers, sending them down. Her eyes scanned the room for Luke, Ben and Han she found nothing but a thrashed C-3PO in the corner.

    She quickly ran to Chewbacca hoping somehow in some way he'd been breathing.

    "Chewie." Lyn held his limp body as she carefully looked at the doorways being aware if anyone was coming. "Chewie, come on buddy." She let out as panic ran through her veins, she didn't want to face the fact that before she even had reached him, she had already felt his dull and bleak aura, all she did was hope but even that had been crushed.

    She quickly put a nearby poncho over his face as she stood in the center of the room. Lyns flipping stomach and wildly running mind almost made her gag as the room around her started to spin, all this made her feel uncontrollably unstable as she thought the worst.

The Empire caught us. Where was R2?

The plans were back in the Empires hands.

Where was everyone else?

This is the end of the everything.

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