24| The Companion

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24| The Companion

      After the events in the briefing room, Lyn squeezed her way past many as she had immediately begun searching for Luke.

    Though he wasn't very far, just down the hall at a corner, her stomach flipped at the thought of not finding him in time. She wanted to take him to get his suit specifically so that she would be able to give him tips and ideas for the big event coming up.

    After violently grabbing Luke and taking him against the current of all rebels, they entered a clearing as Lyn advised it would be an easy walk from there on out.

     "Thank the stars." Luke let out as he looked back wearily. "I swear somebody just picks me up and forces me along." He played as he lightly shook his head.

    "Well....you do make it fairly easy." Lyn let out a low smile as they both looked at the crinkle she had made on his tunic from dragging him along. "But you'll get used to the rush, don't worry."

    "I don't think I ever can." He chuckled clearly showing it was a joke yet a feeling started to gather in Lyn. A feeling of doubt and low insecurity about where Luke's head was; if he wanted to stay or to leave—as any sane person would do after seeing how the rebels acted back in the room.

    "So are you okay now? Are you able to go out there? Back into.....everything?" Luke asked a bit hesitantly.

    Lyn bit the inside of her cheek. They were never really out of it. The feeling of paranoia was deep within her as were large doubts ever since she stepped foot on Yavin 4, though she desperately tried to ignore them for her and others' sake.

    "I don't know if I am." Lyn shrugged as she knew not to bring her troubling concerns out, especially to Luke.

    "Well, you are better right? You went to the medic, what did they say?" Luke asked as he looked at her curiously.

   "That I shouldn't." Lyn responded without thinking. "We have good treatments here but.......I didn't want them wasted on me—there are others who need it more." She insisted as she saw his face fall mid-sentence.

    "Lyn, are you serious?" Luke stopped and looked at her. "If anybody needs treatment it's you."

   "I know, but—"

    "No, you're just saying that." Luke shook his head lightly in disbelief. "If you knew, you would've taken what you needed."

    Lyn sighed lightly as she looked at him trying to find a level-headed way to come about this. She also saw that he was taking it more seriously than her own self.

I should've just lied.

    "I'm fine, Luke, everything just feels like a bad sore is all." Lyn stated as he looked away shaking his head. "I'm fine, really." She said trying to catch his gaze.

    "I've heard that before." Luke retorted. "If it's a bad sore, it's still bothering you—it will bother you." He stated. "If you had taken what you needed you would be better and clear to go."

    "Well, maybe I'm just gonna go." Lyn stated with a shrug. "Who cares what they say anyways?"

    "I do." He let out in disbelief. "You're so willing to put yourself in a position to get hurt again that I don't think even you care."

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