02| Hours before Chaos

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           02| Hours before Chaos

     After breakfast and a daydream nap, Lyn had went to work on a few small repairs on her ship down in the hangar bay.

    "Hey Lyn, you good?" A familiar voice said. Lyn peeked away from her objective seeing as it was her good friend, Layis.

    "Yeah, why?"

    "You haven't stepped away from your ship in a while, we're starting to think you're welding yourself to it." He joked.

    Lyn let a laugh through her nose as she wiped the sweat from her forehead. She now realized how hot it had been after feeling the dryness in her throat.

    "Yeah, you're right." She said as she set all the tools down. "Just a little more and I would've been a laser cannon." She joked making him chuckle.

     "Say, why don't you come hang with us? We're about to start a game." He offered. Lyn looked around and saw, just a few ships down, the group of familiar friends he was with, it was mostly her Brown squad, the callsign for the squadron she ran. They were all a pretty tight group, for Lyn being the oldest, and the youngest being 17, the group was pretty young. It'd been as if she was an older sister for them, yet the most authoritative friend they could have.

     Lyn would wonder if that's why she could never joke around with the older folks here, yet when talking with anyone from Brown they could go on for hours. In fact, the volunteer-determined pilots had been known to take after their notable leader. They were known for their quick, audacious flying. Nevertheless, the council let Lyn have them, since she agreed to the standard month thing, and as long as they knew when to be serious, which Lyn practically reinforced heavily at evaluations and training.

     "Yeah......I'll join in a bit, let me grab a water first." Lyn said as she wiped her sweat on her sleeve.

     "Make sure to grab two, you gotta replace all that sweat." He joked.

     "I gotcha." She nodded as she walked towards the wall dispenser. When she grabbed the cold water, she savored the coldness as it ran through her body, all while staring at the many rebels walking in the hangar, that was until she noticed a particular body. "K-2?" She called for the familiar droid who she hadn't known was back.

     "Oh Lyn, glad to see you." The droid said in an unusual tone that she picked up. "I see that R2, or that other droid isn't keeping you company."

     "What is it now K-2?" She asked knowing that he was making sure she knew something was wrong. "What's got your circuits in a twist?"

     K-2 sighed. "A little birdie told me that you said I was just 'the heavy work'." He said as he looked down, overexaggerating sadness.

     "Oh my goodness." She mused as shook her head with a smile. She patted the droids metal shoulder, tending to his dramatic self. "K-2 that is a good thing......and I know you do more than just the heavy work, I'm even betting you do more than the little birdie who told you." She assured as she knew all too well who it was.

     "That......well that is preferably true." He said back in his normal friendly tone.

     "That's more like it." She said as she wiped her sweat once more. "Say where is that sleazy bird?" She asked as she noticed she hadn't seen Cassian around. "How'd it go out there?"

     "Well, Cassian went on his 'side quest', as he put it, but came back just in time as we found the girl, they should be in the meeting room far by now." The droid explained making Lyn mutter under her breath in confusion. She checked her pager and realized she missed an alert, several actually. "Damnit." She clicked her tongue and shook her head. 

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