13| The Arrival

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13| The Arrival

    "There's no one here." A muffled voice shouted as footsteps pounded above them.

    Soon after being pulled into the hangar of the large station, many troopers boarded the ship. Of course, that was no surprise to the crew of the Falcon as they were now cramped in the bottom compartments of the floor.

    "We'll have a sweeping crew come in to make sure." One of the troopers said as their footsteps faded and faded until there was no more sound.

    "Alright, we're good." Han hoped as he lifted the panel. "Oh man...I never thought I'd be smuggling myself." He sighed as the rest followed and lifted the panels above them.

   "Wrggrrh Grrgww." Chewbacca sheepishly said as everyone was starting to get out.

    "It's alright, I've smelt worse." Lyn assured the Wookie as she lifted herself up from the compartment and stretched. It had seemed like they were in there for hours, every joint seemed to crack as they all stretched.

    "This is ridiculous." Han said after popping his back. "Even if I could take off, I'd never make it pass that tractor beam."

   "Leave that to me." Obi-Wan grinned.

   "Damn fool, I knew you were gonna say that, I'm just surprised it wasn't one of your mentees here." Han let out.

    "Well, who's more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?" Obi-Wan smirked as Han shook his head with an eye roll.

    "What do we do now?" Lyn asked. "We've already hid, and I'm sure we can't just hide our way outta here."

   "Well, we're not going to hide anymore." Obi-Wan informed as Lyn lightly twitched to her saber and Han brushed over his blaster.

    "No, we aren't going to do that either." He scolded, even though he hadn't raised Lyn to the extreme measures the old council had, he still trained her to always try and find a way in everything. Only it seemed her mind was clouded lately, but he knew and understood why.

    "We're going to blend in." He informed. "Become one of them." He said as Han and Lyn nodded in understanding.

     Of course, she internally scolded herself. She hated how she was acting how quick she was, how she was very occupied with one thing so fast and obliviously ignore everything around. But, in truth, she had to be occupied with one thing, the plans.

    "I'm sorry....how do we become one of them?" Luke asked, it seemed like he'd been the only one confused at the plan.

    "They'll be coming back, when they do, we'll take their armor and infiltrate them right under their noses." Obi-Wan explained.

    "—Yeah just in there." They heard someone say as they quickly stuck to the walls. "I'll be out here if you need anything."

     They all quickly went to the Main hold and thought on how to approach this.

     "Alright Chewie, your gonna go first, just knock one out and I'll be right behind ya for the rest." Han whispered as he quickly looked to the doorway.

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