25| The Farewell

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25| The Farewell

Lyn didn't know what she'd expect, it seemed like once again she held her expectations a little too high on the low bar for Han.

     After leaving Luke to get familiar with the Red Squadron and others, she came across Han. He had been there in the hangar packing away his money carelessly while rebels with pounding, scared hearts scattered around preparing.

"I really thought after everything you'd seen here, something would spark in that dark cave your heart resides." Lyn let out as she approached Han and Chewbacca loading up their money.

"Well, good thing it was just a thought, right?" Han smirked making Lyn slightly roll her eyes.

Lyn crossed her arms with a sigh. "You're right, I should never expect a smuggler to go out of their way for anyone other than themselves."

"Well, you're not entirely wrong I'll give you that." Han said looking up from handing Chewbacca a box. "If it ain't me or Chewie, I don't care." He lightly shrugged.

"And you're proud of that?" Lyn let out.

"It helps in the long run." Han insisted with a motion. "So what did you want? Wanna send us off? Wish me luck perhaps?" He smirked looking at her.

"For what?" Lyn retorted as a wave of small annoyance started to boil in her. "You're leaving here scratch free, not to mention with riches that you'll probably spend in a day on useless things."

"Hey, now." Han pointed. "I'm just getting what I was promised, remember that? Before you pulled me into the middle of a damn war." He retorted.

Lyn tried with all her might to not look disgusted. Maybe she had felt bad and maybe she even thought she was overreacting, after all, Han did go through more than what was mentioned.

He had a point, that he did, but the way he is, and probably will always be, irks Lyn so greatly that all she knows is—Han deserves no compassion from her.

"Well.....forget about that for second." Lyn let out as Han visibly furrowed his brows in confusion and disbelief. "I'm here to threaten you, Han." She said with a deadpanned yet serious tone as Han stared at her with a bewildered look.

"What?" He let out with a furrow of his brows. He didn't know whether to laugh at her lousy joke or to take her serious. It was a sharp turn from the previous conversation so it must've been a bad joke.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm serious." She let out as her eyes never left his. "You're probably the only one outside the rebellion that has seen what I am and what I can do up close."

"And where is this going?" Han questioned. "I hope you know your secret is out—those things you pulled back at the station...." He raised a brow at her. "I mean everybody knows; you even had the big man there watching—trust me everyone who needs to know knows about you." He stated.

"You don't think I know this?" She let out annoyed yet frustrated. "I have enough problems with the Empire already and after what happened it'll be worse." She said glaring into his soul as her frustration was seeping into her greatly.

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