And then everything goes white.


She wakes up slowly, staring at the forest canopy. Her head pounds with a dull ache and she rolls over to stand up, brushing off the twigs and leaves that stuck to her uniform.

Morning light spills through the treetops, lighting up the forest floor with a warm glow. Birds chirp happily, welcoming the new day.

A terrible feeling of dread stings the pit of her stomach.

"You better run," an ominous voice booms and echoes throughout the trees.

Nya whips around, searching for whoever said that but finds only empty space. She blinks rapidly several times, clearing her vision, trying to focus. Everything seems hazy, like she hasn't slept in days.

"Who's there?"


She swallows hard, suddenly terrified, wondering who or what might be lurking nearby.

"Answer me!"

Again, silence.

This is insane! She needs to get back to camp, tell them what happened, maybe even let someone examine her for signs of poison from the enemy. She grabs her sword and starts walking briskly toward the village, but a flash of light catches her eye and she pauses.

Another explosion rocks the sky and dust rains down upon the earth.

An ambush?

The thought sends a chill down her spine and she runs faster, sprinting towards the safety of the village gates. She is low on projectile weapons, and the blade of her katana is getting dull.

A shadowy figure whizzes above and she slides to a stop, panting wildly.

"You should have run faster," says the voice.

Nya spins around, weapon drawn, and sees Jay standing in front there, his arms crossed, smirking at her.

"Where did you come from?!"

"Right here, silly girl," he replies, pointing at himself.

She glares at him, furious at his audacity, especially after the stunt he pulled moments earlier.

"Get out of my way!" she snarls and pushes past him.

But he blocks her path with ease. She tries pushing harder, shoving him aside, but he barely budges.

"I'm serious," he growls, grabbing her arm and holding it tight. A bolt of electricity shoots down her wrist and she cries out in agony, dropping her sword.

"Ow!" she yelps, clutching her hand. "What's wrong with you?"

Jay releases her abruptly, stepping back, his eyes wild, his nostrils flared.

"Don't you mean, what's right with me?"

She narrows her eyes, taking in the sight of him. He looks like a madman, eyes glowing bright blue, his face flushed with feverish excitement. He is beautiful in his own strange sort of way. It makes her heart ache.

Maybe she didn't know him as well as she thought. Maybe it's better that they broke up. But part of her is still attracted to him, even now while he is acting strange. Un-Jay like. It's thrilling, and she slightly ashamed for thinking so.

He has been through hell and back these last few months. She understands his reaction, but she can't help but wonder if she is partly responsible for causing it.

She puts the thoughts aside, knowing that they'll eat at her mind until she figures out exactly what is happening.

"You're not yourself," she murmurs quietly, watching his every move like a hawk.

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