Yuno Grinberryall × Reader : Missing

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What striked him most wasn't the message that stated the exact address of a location in the outskirts of the village, but the drops of blood that strained the paper.

Yuno had no idea how you managed to send such message, but he knew that from the fact that you decided to rely on it instead of leaving the location spoke volumes of the dire situation you had possibly found yourself in.

Either that, or something or someone was blocking your way of escape.

"Deliver it to Captain Vangeance. Tell Klaus to gather a group of magic knights and follow me to the location described there." Without even bothering to hear a single word of reply from the man, Yuno left his office and stormed outside the HQ with his broom in hand.

The vice-captain possessed a magic that rivalled the speed of light, but even light couldn't keep up with the speed he flew to the location you had indicated.

When he arrived there, he found a warehouse that looked abandoned; a big wagon was settled in front of the enormous gate. It might have looked as an empty shelter, but Yuno's wind told him that there were temporary occupions inside.

Yuno barely lifted his hand and the entire interface of the warehouse was destroyed. Screams of agony were muffled with the wind, and empty threats flew helplessly towards the vice captain.

The young man didn't bother to look much at the people who stood on shaky legs and possessed significantly weaker magic, but one look at them told him they were bandits.

Once again, Yuno didn't care to hear their excuse for such actions. Instead, he quickly and efficiently knocked them out and tied them up for the other magic knights to imprison them.

Yuno, then, focused on finding you. His eyes fluttered shut as he concentrated his mana on finding your familiar one. It took only a matter of seconds before he sensed the faintest flow.

He quickly ran to the source of the mana. The nearer he got, the weaker he felt it. When he finally arrived to where your mana seemed to originate from, the door was sealed with locks and chains. But they were mere threads against Yuno's wind.

The room was dark and vast. The only source of light came from a tiny window on the far left of the wall. The room included a few boxes that seemed to be a storage of what those bandits had stolen.

However, none of this caught his eye. Instead, his eyes landed on the one reason he was in that warehouse in the first place.

Laying on the floor with your back facing him was your figure. Your name barely left the vice captain's lips in a desperate whisper before he was on his way towards you. Before he even touched you, he could see the state you were in. Your clothes were dirty and grazed with cuts and blood.

Your once clean hair now looked disheveled, filthy, and knotted with the crimson liquid. The atmosphere reeked of a smell iron and dust.

"(Y/n)?" Your name came out his mouth in a shaky breath. Suddenly, his eyes caught small movements and a few whimpers coming from you.

Intently turning you around, Yuno's eyes widened in disbelief at the small person you had cradled in your arms.

It was the missing child.

He clutched your torn shirt with tight fists. The Golden Dawn cape was wrapped carefully around him, and your broken arm on top of it.

His tearful eyes opened to look at the vice captain, and a gasp of horror left his mouth as if he had been caught.

No matter how much Yuno despised that he had to ignore you for a few moments, he had to keep his professionalism and look after the small civilian as a priority.

Black Clover Oneshots/ Boyfriend/Husband Scenariosजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें