Chapter 32. Rescue

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[POV Change]


Enies Lobby

[Third Person POV]

Lucci's face held a distraught face after hearing what (Y/N) had told him about Todo and Itadori. His fingers shook a bit as a drop of sweat ran down his face before sliding down his chin and making its way towards the floor. Just as the drop of sweat collided with the floor, the man's eyes went from showing distraught to showing disdain as they would see (Y/N) standing a step away from their owner. "What do you mean you killed them? How could you kill both of them?" He asked, demanding an answer with his voice now spewing anger all around. "That's none of your business." (Y/N) answered blankly, his hair rising and his eyes turning a bright red as he stared into the eyes of Lucci, shrinking him down from his Devil Fruit self to his normal self at his normal height. Before either man could say a word or do anything, Luffy's heel had connected with the side of Lucci's head, sending him flying into the wall. (Y/N) deactivated his Devil Fruit at that moment to stop himself from erasing Luffy's and putting him at a slight disadvantage, even if for a moment. "(Y/N)! Thanks for the distraction!" Luffy called out to guard crewmate, who in return nodded in his captain's direction.

"Fine. If that's the way you want it, I'll beat the two of you at the same time. If you were able to beat both Todo and Itadori at once, then I don't see why I can't do the same to the two of you." Lucci said, causing (Y/N) to simply shake his head. "I can see why. It's because you are not on the same level as Luffy nor I." (Y/N), looking the CP9 agent in the eyes once again. Lucci's eyebrows furrowed as he heard what (Y/N) had to say. Lucci suddenly appeared in front of (Y/N) after using Shave, deciding to settle it physically instead of responding to what the man in front of him had said with words. (Y/N), instead of defending himself or striking Lucci first, used Shave himself to go backwards. As Lucci's returned to his Fmhis Leopard/Human and raised his right hand with his claws out, he attempted to use Shave to reach (Y/N) again, however, he failed to notice Luffy now standing next to him and sending a punch at his chest. (Y/N)'s eyes squinted slightly as he tilted his head, confused as he saw Lucci fly into the wall once again. "What the hell is Lucci doing? Why isn't he focused?" He asked himself quietly, putting his guard up. He refused to believe that Lucci was this unfocused and acting so stupidly in a battle such as this. No, this had to be some sort of trick set up by CP9 or Lucci. "Luffy," He called out as he began walking towards the mentioned man, "Lucci seems to be distracted, but I don't know why. It might be a trap, so keep your guard up."

"Oh, I know why!" Luffy exclaimed in response, intriguing (Y/N). 'What could he have noticed that I missed?' He wondered to himself, disappointed in himself for not noticing whatever Luffy had noticed. "Pigeon guy is distracted by you. I don't know much, but it seems like the two of you have a history with each other. But it seems like a bad history, so that's probably why he keeps going after you." Luffy told (Y/N), who let out a sigh before turning to where Lucci had been blasted. He was shocked as to how he hadn't figured it out like how Luffy had, although there was a bigger problem that he noticed. Lucci was nowhere to be seen. 'Damn it, where did he go?' (Y/N) angrily thought to himself as he turned his back to Luffy and looked for where Lucci had gone to. 'Wait a second, what if he went after Robin?' (Y/N) thought to himself, horrifying himself with the thought of Lucci not being here anymore and having gone after Robin. Emergently, (Y/N)'s body turned a full 180 degrees so that he was now facing both Luffy and the exit. What he saw, however, was Lucci, in the air behind Luffy with his finger aiming at Luffy's neck and in position for a Finger Pistol attack. Luffy seemed to be unaware of this, as he was too busy being confused as to what (Y/N) was urgently looking around for. (Y/N) was at a loss on what to do at the moment; deactivating his Devil Fruit would do nothing since he would still be able to hit Luffy with the Finger Pistol and using Shave to get Luffy out of the way would still leave them susceptible to an attack from Lucci.

He had to attack him from where he was currently standing in the next second. He desperately searched through his mind for anything he could do, as he knew he didn't have much time to think. "Tempest Kick!" (Y/N) abruptly yelled out, going with what seemed like the only choice and sending a roundhouse kick through the air. A slash of wind departed from his leg as he did that, causing Lucci to activate Iron Body as he saw it coming towards him. Thanks to his quick and immediate defensive measures, Lucci was only knocked back a bit instead of being wounded or injured by (Y/N)'s attack. (Y/N) immediately followed up on this by using Shave to get in front of Lucci quickly and sent a punch towards his neck while Iron Body was activated to deal extra damage to the Leapord Man. Lucci was able to block the hit with an Iron Body of his own, yet (Y/N) kept going after him with one attack after the other. Lucci began to go backwards and around the room as he repeatedly blocked kicks and punches from the former Marine and CP9 Agent. (Y/N) then sent a heavy punch at Lucci's head. However, the CP9 Agent used Paper Arts to fold his body in half, creating an opening for himself so that he could be the one on the offensive this time. He sent a roundhouse kick at (Y/N)'s exposed side after turning his body back to normal.

(Y/N) quickly lowered his hands and backed the kick, leading to Lucci sending punch at (Y/N)'s head, which was promptly dodged. The exact same thing as before happened, but with Lucci being the one on of the offence and (Y/N) being on the defensive. Luffy watched in awe as all this happened, amazed by how the fight had been going in for 7 minutes without either landing a single hit. While it was amusing and entertaining, it was also a waste of time, as all three in the room knew that there wasn't much time left. "(Y/N)! I'll beat this guy up, so you go save Robin! There's not much time left!" Luffy yelled out to (Y/N) as he sent stretched his arm and sent a punch from long range at Lucci, forcing him to stop attacking (Y/N) so that he could focus on defending himself. This had allowed (Y/N) to nod his head in response to Luffy and use Moonwalk to begin making his way out through the destroyed ceiling and towards Robin's location. He expected her to be located where most of the noise was coming from and where he was hearing the most.

As Nico Robin stood with her hands handcuffed behind her back and her legs barely holding her up, she looked at Franky as bullets hit his body and bounced onto the floor after he stood in front of her to save her. Suddenly, the Marine Soldiers that had shot at the two were struck down by a slash of wind, causing everyone to look around for its source. Some looked at the distant Sogeking, while Robin had quickly found who sent the attack. "(Y/N)..."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2023 ⏰

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