Chapter 6. Escape

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[POV Change]



The Banana Gator let out a pained scream, bringing the attention of the Strawhats and the Marine to the gruesome sight. Usopp screamed as well, clearly scared by the sight. "You need to warn someone before showing them that!" Usopp yelled as the tooth fell out of the Banana Gator's eye. "I didn't tell you to look at it!" (Y/N) replied as he dodged a bite from the angered Gator.  "Try as hard as you can not to make any noise at mealtime." A voice said from the outside. The Banana Gator was then launched to the ceiling by a kick and someone yelling, "Bad Manner Kick Course."


[Third Person POV]

Waves of water splashed onto the prisoners in the cell and a bit of water got onto (Y/N), who jumped onto the cell to avoid it. The Banana Gator then crashed back-first onto the ground, breaking some of it. The man, Sanji, had a cigarrate in his mouth and glasses with yellow lenses. He took the cigarrate out of his mouth and extenred the arm that the cigarrate was held in. "Hey there. Been waiting long?" Sanji asked, gaining a range of different reactions. "Prince!" Luffy and Usopp yelled, arm by eachother's sides as they cried and pumped their fists into the air. "Thank goodness." Nami said in relief. Next was Zoro's reaction, which was the most extreme. "Stop goofing around and find the key already!" He shouted with anger and clenched teeth.

Sanji ignored him, however. "Nami-san! L-love me now?" Sanji questioned as he swayed from side to side. "Yeah, yeah, I'm in love, now hurry and open this up!" She yelled, her mood changing in an instant. "Okay!" He yelled back to her, continuing wiht the swaying motion. "The guy in an interminable idiot, huh?" Zoro said to Nami. "Vivi! Way to go!" Luffy yelled out in encouragement while giving Vivi a thumbs up. Vivi returned the gesture with a thumbs up of her own as she smiled. (Y/N) jumped from the cell and onto the ground, standing next to Sanji as many more Banana Gators stormed into the room, cornering the two. "Go, Sanji and whatever your name is! Get them all!" Luffy shouted to the two.

"Bunch together as much as you like, and come get me, you damn bananas. Anyone with manners as poor as yours, who would attack a lady, gets some table manners beaten into them, but good." Sanji said as he raised his left foot over his head. "They're wild animals. Of course they have bad manners, dumbass." (Y/N) said to him as he grabbed his scarf. "And who are you?!" Sanji asked angrily him as he looked at him from the side of his eye. He didn't get a response though. "Sanj! There isn't any time for that! One-second strikes! No, make that one-instant strikes!" Usopp ordered loudly and angrily.

"Take out the third one who just came in." Smoker said with closed eyes. "What? You can tell?" Luffy asked. "Are your ears just for show? His growl is the same as the one who swallowed the key, isn't it?" Smoker explained, shocking Luffy and Usopp. "I can't really tell." Luffy said honestly. Sanji did as Smoker told him to and kicked the third Banana Gator in the stomach, making it spit out a white sphere. "There it is! The key to the cage!" Luffy and Usopp cried out as the white sphere landed in the water, making water splash everywhere. After the splashing stopped, everyone realised that what the Banana Gator spit out wasn't a key.

"What is that?!" Usopp screamed in shock. "That doesn't look like a key!" Luffy yelled out in agreement with Usopp. "Wax-Wax Ball! Release!" A voice yelled out as the sphere cracked in half, allowing a very malnourished man to break out. "Oh! W-water! It's water! It's a miracle!" The man yelled happily. "Hey, it's him!" Zoro shouted in realisation. "Three! It's three!" Luffy yelled as he pointed at him. "Mr 3! What was he doing in the belly of an Alligator?!" Vivi questioned. "You guys know Mr 3?" (Y/N) asked them as the man he was talking about crouched and drank some of the water that flooded the room. "He tried to kill us in Little Garden!" Luffy responded as Mr 3 picked up the key of the cell.

"Hand that key of ours!" Luffy, Nami, and Usopp demanded as they tried to grab it through the holes in the cell. "It's you guys!" Mr 3 cried out as he noticed them. Mr 3 then stayed silent for a few moments before realising what was happening. "You're Mr 3, aren't you?" Sanji asked as he approached him. Mr 3 screamed and jumped in place before yelling out, "You startled me!" "Are you Mr 3? Hand over the key, quietly." Sanji told him calmly. Mr 3 smirked as he looked at Sanji with a side-eye. "Here comes a long throw!" He yelled as he threw the key towards the Banana Gators. 

Before it could land in the water, (Y/N) threw his scarf at it and was able to wrap the end of the scarf around it briefly. That was enough, however, as he was able to pull back the end of the scarf and bring the key with it. "I don't know who you are, but you appear to be on their side! If you want the key, go find it! However, whether or not you are-" Mr 3 spoke, but was stopped as a voice spoke over him. "No need! I wrapped my scarf around the key before it entered the water." (Y/N) said as he unwrapped the scarf from around the key, interrupting Mr 3 at the same time. 

"Yes! Good job, whatever your name is!" Luffy yelled out to him. "Prince, protect me from the Banana Gators while I unlock the cell." (Y/N) said as he walked towards the cell door, leaving behind a shocked Mr 3. (Y/N) put the key into the keyhole, however it wouldn't turn. It was a fake. (Y/N) grunted as he took the key out and tossed it away. "The bastard gave us a fake key." (Y/N) explained to everyone else as he furrowed his eyebrows. "Wait a minute! Couldn't his wax-wax power make a key to this cage?" Usopp pointed out, surprising Mr 3 even more. "Indeed." Sanji said, making Mr 3 scared as well. 

The Mr walked over to the cell door and formed a wax key out of his finger and unlocked the door, his teeth broken and a bump on his head. "Nicely done, candle man." Sanji said to the Mr 3. He then kicked him over to the other side of the room, making him stick into the wall. Before that, however, he stuck a paper with some writing onto him. "Let's get moving. There's little time." Sanji said to Nami, who was the first to exit the cell. "Yeah. I'm sure the first route they took is to Alubarna." Nami replied in agreement. 

"But there are still so many Banana Gators in the way!" Vivi pointed out worriedly. "Aren't there any more?! That wasn't enough!" Luffy exclaimed as he and Zoro took care of them all. "Looks like we needn't worry." Nami said. The walls then started to crumble, allowing water to fully flood the room within seconds.

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