Chapter 12. Arriving At Upper Yard

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[POV Change]



The commotion then quieted down and disappeared, allowing me to sleep peacefully... for about 10 minutes. The ship then started to rumble and shake, making me wake up. Why does this always happen to me? Why do I always get waken up by shaking? I exited the sleeping bag and stood up, only to see that the ship was now moving as Nami screamed alongside the Raccoon Dog. I looked back to the island and saw that Luffy, Usopp, and Sanji were still in the bald man's house. We didn't have the sail up and everyone was running around trying to figure out what was going on. That was a good question. What was going on?


[(Y/N) POV]

All of a sudden, the ship was lifted into the air by red pinchers holding onto the side of the ship. I could barely catch my sleeping and stop it from falling off as the ship ascended into the air. I sighed a sigh of relief as I rolled up the sleeping bag and stored it in my pocket. I looked over the side and saw a giant lobster lifting the ship through the water, shocking me, just as it would shock anyone. "It's trying to take us somewhere!" Zoro yelled out as he stuck one of his swords into the ground to keep himself balanced. I looked over to everyone else and saw that Robin and Nami were holding onto railings while the raccoon dog was holding onto the columns that held up the railings. "Hey! Everyone off the ship! There's still time!" Zoro ordered, making the raccoon dog even more scared than it already was. "What about our ship?! If our ship is taken..." The raccoon dog said, however, he trailed off at the end. "Don't worry. I'll stay." Zoro said as he looked over the edge and at the thing that was carrying us through the clouds.

"C'mon! What can you do by yourself?!" Nami angrily shouted as Zoro placed a sword in his mouth and held one in each of his hands. "I'll pull it off somehow!" Zoro replied as he jumped off the ship and onto the creature that was carrying us. He then made many attempts at slashing it into pieces, however, the creature's shell deflected all the slashes, making all of the attacks futile. "So, it doesn't work..?" He muttered while raising an eyebrow and sheathing his swords. A smirk then appeared on his face as he said, "There we go." The crew and I were confused by his words, or at least we were until cracks started to appear on the shell of the creature. "Alright, this'll work!" Zoro exclaimed in relief. I then looked up and saw giant fish chasing the creature that was carrying our ship. There were many of them and they were jumping in and out of the clouds while snapping their jaws.

"I doubt that it'll work," I said to Zoro, causing him to glare at me with a confused and somewhat angry expression. "Huh?" Zoro asked, not noticing the fish that were following and trying to eat us. "Look behind you, musclehead. Or would meathead be a more fitting term? I'm only asking since you haven't noticed the fish that have been chasing us and looking for a meal, also since you're trying to get rid of the thing that's keeping them away from us." I answered while leaning on the railing and looking down at him. Zoro grit his teeth in anger and turned away from me, deciding to glare at the fish instead. "Heaven's Judgement, huh? So, instead of sending people after us, they're bringing us in. What an impudent guy..." He angrily muttered. Meanwhile, Robin was lowering a rope ladder so that Zoro could get back on the ship. Nami then sat down against the railing and asked, "Then... I'm going back to that island?" What does she mean by going back? Did she actually go there already? "Luffy! Usopp! Sanji!" She then yelled out while clenching her fists.

The creature then got us to the island, but instead of stopping, it went up a road made from a white liquid that looked like milk. It continued to ride it around the island until it reached a sea of clouds inside the island. In the middle of the clouds was a large stone with a flat top, which is where it placed us before leaving. I am just as confused as the next person could be. "That damn super-express Lobster just deserted us here..." Zoro muttered as everyone took a look around to attempt to figure out where we were. "Where exactly are we?" The Raccoon Dog asked, obviously confused by what was happening. "What's for certain is that it's the interior of Upper Yard..." Nami answered, however, she seemed just as confused as the Raccoon Dog. "It's almost as if this is a sacrifice alter," Robin said, darkening the mood a bit. "Sacrifice... Altar? Nami, what's a sacrifice?" The Raccoon Dog asked while turning to look at Nami. "It means being offered to god while you're alive." She answered, giving the Raccoon Dog a bit of relief. "Oh, that's all? I thought it meant being boiled alive or something..." The Raccoon Dog replied before letting out a sigh of relief.

"Actually, being sacrificed can entail getting boiled alive," I told the Raccoon Dog, scaring him and making him turn around and look at me scared. "No matter how it happens, being sacrificed means getting killed for a god." I then further explained. "Eh?! Does that mean we are going to be killed?!" He asked in a scared manner before falling over the railing. "Chopper!" Nami yelled out while he tumbled over the stairs that led up to the stone. Robin used her Devil Fruit to make hands on the last step and catch him, however, I had already jumped after him. A large blue shark then emerged from the clouds and attempted to eat 'Chopper', so I guess it's good that I jumped after him. "Throw him to me." I calmly said, so Robin responded by throwing Chopper towards me. I caught him and then turned around, throwing Chopper to the ship, where Zoro caught him. He seemed a bit dizzy from being thrown around though.

I then looked back at the shark as it fell back into the cloud. The shark then jumped out of the water and towards me with its mouth wide open. I'm guessing it didn't want my mercy. I jumped towards it while holding my scarf in my hands, deciding to end this quickly. I wrapped one end of the scarf around its head before sending it back down, causing the shark to collide with the stone stairs headfirst, shattering its skull. After landing on the stairs, I began to walk over to the dying shark. "What is that?!" Nami asked as I kicked the shark into the water, where it began to sink, indicating its death. "A shark... in the sky...a sky shark?" Robin answered, however, she seemed unsure of her answer. A few moments later, I began to walk back to the ship, however, more sky sharks began to appear as I did. "There wasn't just one! There's a whole swarm of sky sharks!" Chopper squealed. "We'll be here all night if we try to take on every single one. Can't even get to shore like this." Zoro said as the sky sharks began to circle the rock.

Erased (Male Aizawa Reader x One Piece)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن