Chapter 18. Ark Maxim

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[POV Change] 



At that moment I had decided to end things quickly, not wanting to hear their unbearable voices for much longer. "Shave..." I quietly murmured to myself. I then suddenly appeared mid-air in front of the one whose dial was letting out a fart. I then reeled back my leg as the man in front of me wore a shocked face. Afterwards, I sent a scissor kick at the man's face in the blink of an eye, sending blood flying out of his nose. The man was also knocked unconscious as he went flying, breaking through the railings of the Going Merry and falling into the Milky Road. "How uncivilized, attacking with a fart like that," I commented as I landed. "Now, I'd say that it is your turn," I announced, glancing at the other. "H-how dare you do that?!" The other asked, but I didn't have time for any of his questions. Like how I dealt with his brother, I instantly appeared in front of him, but this time I reeled back my fist. He seemed to anticipate it, however, as he began to spin around like he did when toying with Sanji's body, presumably to make my punch deflect. "Shave," I murmured once again, this time appearing above him. He then looked up at me as I descended and sent a punch, causing me to punch him in the face as he attempted to put up his hand to block. Unfortunately for him, he was too slow. I then grabbed the back of his head to keep his head in place as I drove my knee into his face. Once again, he tried to put up his hands to block but was too slow. It was as if he could anticipate my attacks but was too slow to do anything against them. As I landed, I wrapped him in my scarf before jumping into the air. I then proceeded to throw him over me and into the Milky Road. I then let go of my scarf as I landed on the deck, seeing Nami and Usopp with shocked faces. "So strong..." Usopp muttered. I figured that they would just think I was fast if I used Shave, so I thought it would be fine to use it. I hope I'm right. 


[Third Person POV]  

The first thing that (Y/N) did after defeating the two weirdos was head towards Sanji's unconscious and charred body. "We should administer First Aid as soon as possible. I'm not an expert in this though, so I wouldn't do as good as someone like Chopper would." (Y/N) told Nami and Usopp as he grabbed Sanji by the back of his shirt's collar before beginning to drag him to Chopper's room. He stopped, however, as heard a loud crash ahead of the Going Merry. The crash had come from what seemed to be a vehicle similar to a purple cow that was also emitting a loud and continuous horn sound. "Nami! Usopp! Heso!" A blonde woman with small white wings coming out of her back exclaimed while waving. 'Why didn't she say my name?' (Y/N) wondered as he realised that the woman was the same one whose house everyone had gone to earlier, Conis.

"I'm gonna go help Sanji, call me if you need me." (Y/N) told Nami and Usopp before continuing to drag Sanji's body to Chopper's room. Upon getting there, (Y/N) opened a book from one of the shelves, the book explaining what to do if someone got struck by lightning. (Y/N) started by putting on some gloves so that he wouldn't contaminate any wounds in case he found any. He then proceeded to lay Sanji's body onto an operation table before properly treating any injuries and then wrapping his entire body in bandages. Finally, he drenched a towel in hot water and placed it on Sanji's forehead. Conis then walked in with Nami and Usopp following her, causing (Y/N) to turn to them. "What do you want?" The black-haired man asked the three. "We just wanted to make sure that Sanji was alright," Usopp explained before Nami spoke up, asking, "He'll manage somehow, right?" (Y/N) nodded in response, which led to the three in front of him letting out a sigh of relief. 

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