Chapter 31. Back

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[POV Change]


Ennies Lobby

[Third Person POV]

After walking away from the bodies of Itadori and Todo, (Y/N) jumped into the air, but he didn't stop jumping in the air. He was using Moonwalk to freely go through the air, but he didn't have a clue where to go. Suddenly, he heard something that didn't make it so he had to go somewhere. It was Robin speaking through a Den Den Mushi speaker, along with the chief of CP no. 9. He couldn't make out what they were saying due to him jumping through the air, so he decided to land to be able to hear them better. "You fool! I told you! It won't be just pirates! Once a Buster Call is invoked, the navy shows no mercy to anyone! Everything in Enies Lobby will be burned beyond recognition! The building, the people, the island itself!" Robin screamed through the Den Den Mushi Speaker, causing (Y/N)'s eyes to widen. "It's a nightmare, a concentrated artillery assault which won't leave two stones standing on top of one another! That is the Buster Call! You don't know what happened in Ohare twenty years ago! That's why -" She then shrieked. (Y/N)'s breathing had greatly increased at this point, as he was hyperventilating while looking around in a panicked and rapid way.

(Y/N)'s surroundings were suddenly set on fire, the buildings around him crumbling in seconds at the same time. Screams filled the area around him as he slammed his hands onto his ears to try to block out the noise, however, the attempt proved itself to be feeble as all it had done was cause the bloodcurdling screams to echo from one surface of his skull to the other. He then roughly fell onto his knees before hunching over: elbows on the ground, hands over his ears, face in the ground, knees driving through the crust of the earth. "I don't wanna die alone." A voice repeatedly told (Y/N), chipping away at any bit of sense the man had left. He then fell over to his side, raising his knees to his chest before hugging them to keep them close to him. Tears then streamed down the side of his head as he lay on the ground in the fetal position.

Nothing was happening with (Y/N)'s surroundings.

Everything around him was completely fine, and no voices were screaming at him or around him. It was all in his head. He had received treatment and therapy for his PTSD while he was in the Marines, and so he had mostly recovered from the mental illness. But listening to a description of a Buster Call like how Robin had described it had just triggered it in an instant. Listening to someone he cared about being afraid of it like that was just... it. It had caused all of it to suddenly come back to him in a second, causing him to relive all of the things that had happened.

He continued to go through shell shock until his eyes shot to a hand that suddenly touched his shoulder. When he looked over at the hand, he saw that it wasn't a normal hand, as it was coming out of the ground. He escaped the fetal position that he had put himself in and began to back away from the hand before more appeared from the ground. They pushed up his legs, hands, back, neck, head, and everything. He was 'crowd-surfing' a bunch of hands that were coming out of the ground. (Y/N) immediately noticed something, though. All of the screaming had disappeared. It was replaced by many voices repeatedly telling him one thing.

"It's not your fault."

"It's not your fault."

"It's not your fault."

(Y/N) slowly wiped the tears from his eyes as this happened, not believing what was happening. The voices then suddenly stopped repeating the same message before they all unified to say one thing, and they only said it once.

"Don't let this one be your fault."

(Y/N)'s breathing slowed down after he heard this, however, his eyes had widened further than before. 'Don't let this one be your fault...' He wondered to himself, thinking about what the voices had just said. The buildings suddenly rebuilt themselves, returning to their original glory as all of the fires disappeared. (Y/N) looked around in confusion before he was suddenly set down by the many, many hands. He wiped the remaining tears on his face once again, standing up as he did so this time. He then saw all of the hands pointing in one direction, causing him to suddenly see something. He saw two blue Auras, one Aura resembling Luffy and the other Aura resembling Lucci. He saw the two Auras fighting and understood that he had to go there to help out Luffy, or at least the Aura that resembled him. Before going after Luffy, he saw all the hands fade away before he noticed another thing. He was in the same spot that he was in when he first heard Robin speaking through the Den Den Mushi. "That... none of that was real." He muttered to himself as his hair blew through the air.

He thought about that fact for a few seconds before he simply took in a deep breath and began running towards the edge, jumping when he got to the end. He used Moonwalk to manoeuvre himself through the air, although he combined the technique with Shave to get quite a bit forward and also so that he could get to Luffy faster. He saw many things on his way there, including all of the Strawhats fighting some of the CP no. 9 members. He eventually got to where Luffy and Lucci were, and he came in through the large door. Both Lucci and Luffy looked at (Y/N) as he entered, and they both had the same reaction of calling out his name. (Y/N) noticed that Luffy was emitting a weird smoke but decided to comment on it later rather than now. "(Y/N)? You're here? But then what happened to Todo and Itadori?" Lucci asked, confused by what was happening. "I killed them," (Y/N) flat our said, "I killed them both. They're dead. Both of them. They were animals, and I slaughtered them like animals."

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