Chapter 8. Fight

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[POV Change]



When I arrived at the Tomb Of The Kings, I saw an opening that showed stairs leading to under the tomb. I also saw Luffy standing next to it, he seemed to have just arrived like I. "Strawhat! Are you ok?" I asked as I stood next to him. "You arrived! I thought you died on your way here or something!" He exclaimed, ignoring my question before running down the stairs. I didn't have time to think about it, however. I instantly followed him and ran down the stairs. Rubble fell down the ceiling as we ran down the stairs, that didn't stop Luffy, however, who yelled out, "Crocodile! Where are you?!"


[(Y/N) POV]

As we were running down the stairs, I could that Luffy was bleeding from his hands and legs, which led me to the conclusion of him already battling Crocodile and losing. "What's with this place?!" Luffy yelled, taking my attention away from him fighting Crocodile. "It's falling apart!" He yelled as we reached the bottom of the stairs. There were a lot of obstacles on the floor. Luffy used his Devil Fruit powers to stretch towards pillars and avoid the obstacles, leaving me behind in the process. Dickhead.

I had to slow down and move narrowly through obstacles to avoid getting my body cut open by sharp pieces of large rocks. I then sped up again as I got past them, my eyebrows furrowed as I ran. I was now running in a long and wide hallway. I was catching up with Luffy, only a few metres behind him now. Suddenly and unexpectedly, a pillar fell in between the two of us. That didn't slow me down, however, as I got past it with a kong vault.

 That didn't slow me down, however, as I got past it with a kong vault

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As I continued running, Luffy stopped. He seemed to have reached an end to this hallway. He punched a hole through it, making me figure out why this place is crumbling. I caught up with Luffy and saw Crocodile glaring at Luffy with wide eyes. He then furrowed his eyebrows as he yelled, "You..!" "I've cornered you, Gator!" Luffy replied as he clenched his fists. "Why are you alive? No matter how many times I kill, why do you stand up to me?! Well?! Strawhat!" Crocodile angrily shouted, making me look at Luffy confused. Just how many times have they fought?

I then heard a faint voice, making me turn towards its source. My eyes widened when I saw who was talking. It was Robin. She was laying on the ground with a stab wound on her stomach. Crocodile must have betrayed her. First me, now her, just who is he loyal to? I started to feel a bit lightheaded and felt like my stomach flipped as I ran towards Robin, worry filling my face as well. I knelt beside her as Crocodile continued to glare at Luffy. I instantly put my hands on her back and stomach and started applying pressure to where the stab wounds were. Crocodile must have used his hook and stabbed through her back and stomach.

I took off my scarf and wrapped it around her stomach and back as Luffy and Crocodile yelled at each other. The scarf was the closest thing I had to bandages at the moment and I had to apply pressure while being able to use my hands. "(Y/N)... Why are you here..?" Robin muttered as she looked at me. I didn't answer her question, however, and just knelt next to her before placing her head on my lap to keep her from laying head on the ground. "Don't worry, Robin. I'll take care of you and get you out of here." (Y/N) said as he looked at Luffy, who seemed like he was about to fight Crocodile.

Luffy quickly ran at Crocodile and launched a kick at his face. A crocodile was expecting the kick to go through him, but he was launched to the wall by the kick. I was surprised since I wasn't using my Devil Fruit to erase Crocodile's Devil Fruit. As Crocodile got up, Luffy stretched his arm back and punched Mr 0 in the face, sending him into the wall again. The two then conversed with each other again as I realised that the King was here. "Hey! Come here!" I yelled to him. He walked over to Robin and I with a confused look on his face. I laid Robin's head on the ground and stood up. "Take care of her," I said to him while walking towards Luffy and Crocodile.

I saw Crocodile take off his gold hook, revealing a silver one lined with poison-filled holes. Luffy stretched his right hand and attempted to punch Crocodile with it. Crocodile dodged it, however, and tried to slash it with the poison hook. I could see that Luffy couldn't get dodge it, so I decided to help him. His arm instantly retracted back to him, avoiding the attack from Crocodile and becoming the length of a normal arm. "Huh?! I didn't mean to do that!" Luffy yelled in surprise as he looked at his arm with a confused expression. 

Crocodile then looked at me with the same angry look he was giving Luffy. "So... you're helping Strawhat now, huh, (Y/N)?" Crocodile asked me angrily, realising that I erased Luffy's Devil Fruit. I didn't get a chance to respond, however, as Luffy had started running towards Crocodile again. He was going to send a punch, but Crocodile put out his hand to attempt to dry Luffy's hand. I deactivated my Devil Fruit as to not harm Luffy's attacking strength, and Crocodile seemed to realise it. 

Luffy jumped sideways and stretched his left leg to kick Crocodile in the face. Crocodile dodged it and slashes Luffy's calf with the poison hook, unfortunately. Luffy stretched his hand to a part of the wall and crouched against it to catch his breath a little bit. He then jumped onto the ground and stared at Crocodile, who stared back at him. I then started walking towards Crocodile with my Devil Fruit activated, erasing his. A pillar fell in between Luffy and Crocodile, making Crocodile walk towards me. He probably thought that Luffy wouldn't be able to attack him in this situation. 

My walk then turned into a run while Crocodile ran at me as well. He tried to slash me with his hook, so I crouched to avoid it. I rose quickly and hit him with an uppercut while rising to make something out of the sudden momentum. As Crocodile's head rose from the hit, Luffy's foot broke through the pillar and hit Crocodile across the face. I then jumped high and kneed Crocodile in the chin to take advantage of him pausing because of a hit.

 I jumped back the second I landed to allow Luffy to attack as well. Luffy jumped onto Crocodile's hook and wrapped himself around it before kicking him in the back of the head. Crocodile slid along the ground and into the wall as Luffy landed. "(Y/N)... you dare?" Crocodile angrily asked as he glared at me threateningly. "You trapped me in a room filled with Banana Gators and attacked Robin, my only friend. I dare." I replied.

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