Chapter 27. (Y/N)'s Backstory PT.4

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[POV Change]



After about 35 minutes, (Y/N) was standing in the middle of the arena and panting hard. He was surrounded by 100 unconscious Marines scattered across the arena. His right arm was numb and limp by his side, as he had used it to block most of the attack directed at him. "Is that it?" (Y/N) asked as he wiped some blood off his Marine Uniform, although it wasn't his blood that was on the clothes. "I see that you just breezed through my soldiers. I'll be your next opponent then, (Y/N)." Garp announced as he walked onto the arena. Suddenly, Garp appeared in front of (Y/N) and sent a punch right at him. A shocked (Y/N) had barely dodged it, the punch going through his air as he ducked. (Y/N) then quickly got back to his feet and sent a kick straight at Garp's face. Although, as the kick connected with Garp's face, the vice-admiral didn't even budge. Before (Y/N) could pull back his leg, Garp grabbed him by the ankle and gripped it tightly, sending pain throughout (Y/N)'s body. He then raised (Y/N) by his ankle and swung him at the wooden floor of the arena, causing him to break through the wooden floor. The air was knocked out of (Y/N) as Garp raised him once again, keeping a hold on (Y/N)'s ankle as his head bled. Garp then threw (Y/N) high into the air, smirking as he did. As (Y/N)'s body then began falling through the air and approached the floor, Garp sent a strong punch at (Y/N)'s stomach, causing him to cough out blood. As the punch connected, (Y/N) was blown far away and into the forest. His body broke through many trees as he continued to fly through the forest, hurting (Y/N) even more. Luckily for (Y/N), his body eventually landed on the floor, stopping him from getting hurt even more. "What the hell was that..." (Y/N) muttered as he tried to get up but failed, falling back onto the ground. He then looked at the last tree that he had broken through and noticed something peculiar. It had fallen over and on one of its branches was a red mango-like fruit. It seemed to have a bunch of swirls on it as well.


[Third Person POV]

15 years ago...

(Y/N) instantly recognised the weird fruit as a Devil Fruit, although he didn't know which one it was. He repeatedly tried to get up, however, he kept failing and falling back onto the ground due to how dizzy he was and the amount of pain surging through his body. After a few minutes, (Y/N) had given and began crawling towards the Devil Fruit, which took him about 3 minutes. As he placed his hand on the Devil Fruit, he heard footsteps ahead of him. As he looked up, he saw Garp walking towards him. "I'm surprised you're awake. Most people would be unconscious after that. But not only are you awake, you've also gotten your hands on a Devil Fruit." Garp told (Y/N) while looking down at him. As (Y/N) saw Garp appeared, he tightened his grip on the Devil Fruit, almost digging his fingers through the peel. "Calm down, Flyer. I'm not going to take it from you." Garp said, giving the young man a nickname based on how he was flying through the trees. "Well? What are you waiting for? Go ahead, eat it." Garp said, causing (Y/N) to weakly bring the Devil Fruit closer to him before taking a bite out of it. (Y/N) felt like a thousand needles had punctured his tounge at that moment, and he didn't know if it was because of the Devil Fruit's bad taste or because he ate it with the peel.

"Okay, that's enough. You only have to swallow one piece and you'll gain its effects. Let's get you back now." Garp said as he picked up the swallowing boy, causing him to drop the Devil Fruit. A few minutes later, the two arrived back to where they had originally been. There they saw a bunch of medics treating the many Marines that (Y/N) had beaten up. "What's wrong with them?" Asked the culprit as he hanged over Garp's shoulder. "You happened. You gave a bunch of them concussions, some broken bones, and some dislocated arms." Garp said as he laid (Y/N) onto the floor, making a Medic begin jogging towards him. After assessing the young man for a bit, he looked up at Garp. "There's nothing too serious, thankfully. He has 13 fractured ribs and a small concussion. He needs to rest for a bit and he'll be fine again." The medic told Garp. "How long is 'a bit'?" Garp then proceeded to ask the medic. "3 weeks." The medic answered. "Then we'll get back to training in an hour. Rest well." Garp advised before walking off. (Y/N) was shocked by this, but the Medic acted like it was nothing new, putting a pillow under (Y/N)'s neck so he wouldn't have to lay his head on the ground.

After an hour had passed, Garp had returned with another person by his side. The man had a band-aid on his nose, a staff in his hand, and cloud-like blue hair. "Hey, Flyer. This is Oboro Shirakumo. He's going to teach you alongside me. I liked what I saw when you fought, but I thought you could use the help of some martial arts. I saw that you were agile and a good kicker, so I decided to invite a teacher who knows a perfect martial art for that. Shirakumo here is a master at Capoeira. Have you heard of it before?" Garp explained and then asked (Y/N), who was sitting up as he saw the two, still feeling some pain in the area of his ribs. Instead of talking, (Y/N) simply shook his head. "Well, I think it'd be more fun to show you rather explain it to you." Shirakumo said, the smile that was already on his face widening. This caused (Y/N) to slowly get up and followed Shirakumo to the wooden arena, ignoring the hole in the floor that was created by his head. Immediately, Shirakumo began spinning through the air and on the ground, imitating a break dancer. This confused (Y/N), making him lower his guard a bit. When he got to where (Y/N) was, Shirakumo fell backwards but then planted himself on one hand in a crouched position. He then raised him quickly and sent a kick at (Y/N)'s head while doing a handstand on only one of his hands. Despite raising his hand to block, he was too slow as the kick connected with (Y/N)'s cheek and almost sent him flying, making him fall to the ground instead. He had gotten knocked out with only one kick from the man.


2 years have passed since (Y/N) joined the Marines and trained with Garp and Shirakumo. He was now a master at Capoeira and was taught all the techniques by Garp. He had also found out what his Devil Fruit was capable of. Garp was impressed by his training so he decided to add another year to his training, and today was supposed to be the last day. Like always, (Y/N) was late to his training with Garp. As he arrived to where he and Garp were supposed to train, he saw the old vice-admiral with an angry expression on his face. "You're late. Again." He spat out as (Y/N) just shrugged him off. "Whatever. You're used to it by now so why does it matter?" (Y/N) rhetorically asked as he looked at his mentor. "Because I shouldn't be used to it! You should be here 20 minutes early every time. Not right on time and not late. For fuck's sake, why couldn't you just be like Aokiji?" Garp asked, causing (Y/N) to let out a groan as the vice-admiral mentioned his previous  student. "Oh, great. Here we go again. Perfect Aokiji. Always early. Always ready to train. Never slacking. Never taking time off." (Y/N) angrily replied as he rolled his eyes. "Exactly! He was perfect! Why can't you just be like him and make things easier for me?" Garp asked as he furrowed his eyebrows. "Because I'm not some piece of clay that you can mold into whatever you want!" (Y/N) shouted back as he marched towards Garp, causing him to let out a sigh. "What else should I have expected? After all the training and time we've spent together, I sometimes forget that you're still just 18. That's not what I'm here to talk to you about, however. There's an opening in CP9 after an Agent failed to transport a Devil Fruit. I recommended you for it and so you're going to be transferring today. The ship is waiting at the docks." Garp announced, shocking (Y/N). He honestly didn't know what he would be doing after this, but he didn't expect that.


Hello. I'm sorry for not updating in a while, and I don't have a valid excuse this time. I just wasn't feeling motivated to write and had writer's block. Also (spoilers for one piece chapter 1060) I'm aware of how Imu deals with kingdoms that have rebelled, so I'm gonna make it that (Y/N)'s home island was an exception.

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