Chapter 13. Another Fight Begins

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[POV Change]



I then looked back at the shark as it fell back into the cloud. The shark then jumped out of the water and towards me with its mouth wide open. I'm guessing it didn't want my mercy. I jumped towards it while holding my scarf in my hands, deciding to end this quickly. I wrapped one end of the scarf around its head before sending it back down, causing the shark to collide with the stone stairs headfirst, shattering its skull. After landing on the stairs, I began to walk over to the dying shark. "What is that?!" Nami asked as I kicked the shark into the water, where it began to sink, indicating its death. "A shark... in the sky...a sky shark?" Robin answered, however, she seemed unsure of her answer. A few moments later, I began to walk back to the ship, however, more sky sharks began to appear as I did. "There wasn't just one! There's a whole swarm of sky sharks!" Chopper squealed. "We'll be here all night if we try to take on every single one. Can't even get to shore like this." Zoro said as the sky sharks began to circle the rock.


[(Y/N) POV]

"Though we can't just sit here, either. That giant lobster brought us to one hell of a place." Zoro said as I stepped onto the ship. "Do you suppose starving us here is Heaven's Judgement?" Robin asked, causing me to shrug my shoulders. "I don't know. That would allow me to get some rest, however, so hopefully, that is our sacrifice." I answered, causing Nami to get annoyed and mad. "We're in a life and death situation and all you can think or talk about is sleep?! Do you think about anything other than sleep?!" She yelled at me, anger clear in her voice. "No," I answered her bluntly. I knew that her question was rhetorical, but decided to answer it, either way, cause why not? "This is bad. We can't set sail with the hull like this. Try to fix the ship somehow, Chopper." Zoro ordered while looking at the hull of the ship before then looking at Chopper. "Eh?! Me?! Okay." Chopper replied, being surprised by Zoro's command before calming down almost instantly. "Fix it? Are you planning to do something?" Nami asked Zoro, having calmed down from when she yelled at me just a few seconds earlier. "I'm gonna get into this forest somehow. We should probably make this our base of operations." Zoro answered her before continuing, "I'm sure Luffy and the others are headed here in search of us. It's like they say, if you get lost, stay where you are."

The two lost my attention, however, as I noticed Robin walking away and towards the wall that was next to the ship. She seemed to inspect the wall for a few seconds before looking up at the pole next to her, the pole that had a fire on top of it and was covered in spears and shields. I followed behind her, wondering what caught her attention. "Has something caught your attention, Robin? Do you think that there could be a Poneglyph here?" I asked her, slightly surprising her. I had overheard her talking to Crocodile about them before while trying to sleep, so I only knew basic information about the Poneglyphs, basic information that I don't think Crocodile nor Robin knew I knew. "I wouldn't have thought that you'd know about Poneglyphs. Either way, I'm not too sure. There's a chance that there is one here, however." Robin answered, causing me to nod.

"That vine looks useable," Zoro said a few seconds later while looking at a vine that was hanging from a tree, catching my attention. What's he planning to do with it? Use it to swing across the clouds? "Mind if I join you, Mr Swordsman?" Robin asked, surprising both Nami and the mentioned swordsman. "Huh?! No, but don't be slowin' me down!" Zoro answered, getting over his surprise quickly. "Hold on! Where are you going, Robin?!" Nami asked loudly. "Look at this. At least a thousand years have passed since this altar was built. Historical things like this make my body tingle..!" She exclaimed while turning around, causing me to raise an eyebrow. She definitely could have worded this better and made it not sound weird. "Why didn't you just say they give you goosebumps?" I asked her while lowering my raised eyebrow. "Hm? What's wrong with the way I said it?" She then asked confused. "You know what is wrong with it. Don't pretend." I said while slightly furrowing my eyebrows, causing Robin to chuckle. "You're right." She said while smiling and closing her eyes. 

"Now, where was I. Oh, right. Where there is great history, there should be just as many old relics. I'd wager even a few jewel fragments would help out our ship." Robin then said, exciting Nami. "I'm coming too!" She exclaimed while raising her hand. I guess I now know what drives her forward in life. "I'll come too. Or would you rather I stay behind and help you?" I asked Chopper as I looked at him, causing a large smile to make its way onto his face. "Yes! Please stay!" He exclaimed as he jumped in the air happily. A few minutes later, Chopper and I were standing on the deck of the ship while Robin, Zoro, and Nami were standing in the Crow's Nest. Zoro swung across first, and then Robin, and so did Nami after a bit of hesitation. "Okay, Chopper! (Y/N)! You're in charge of the ship!" Zoro announced to us, however, I felt as if he just said my name as an afterthought. "We'll be back soon! And (Y/N)! Don't you dare fall asleep!" Nami ordered, going from smiling to being angry. I just flipped her off, however, as I turned around and walked to the kitchen of the ship. I could hear her cursing me out and yelling at me as I walked away, but didn't care all that much. I hadn't eaten in over 3 days since I had been asleep for all that time, and I didn't get to eat anything at the house, instead just opting to smoke there. 

I entered the kitchen and searched through all the cabinets, all the pantries, and I tried to open the fridge but was stopped by a lock, and ended up not finding even a bit of food. I could break the lock, but it would just cause a commotion later on. "I should've eaten at the old guy's house," I muttered to myself as I leaned against a wall in the kitchen. Suddenly, I heard a loud whistling noise and the sound of some things clashing. I quickly ran out of the kitchen, only to be greeted by the site of the main mast of the ship nowhere to be seen while Chopper seemed to have been hit by something many times. I was about to ask Chopper what was happening but stopped as I saw some guy attacking him. I was about to attack him, but some other guy beat me to it by flying over on a bird-like creature and attempting to stab him in the back with his javelin. The guy countered, however, by blocking with his own javelin. I ran at the guy who had attacked Chopper earlier and attempted to dropkick him in the ribs. The man noticed me and attempted to use his javelin to block or just dodge, but was occupied by the man who had just flown in. I had sent him away with the dropkick, causing the man who had just flown in to get on the bird-like creature. "Tch! I'll deal with you later." The man I had kicked spat at me while getting on his own bird creature and following the older man.


Hello! I wanted to apologize for not updating in about a month and a half. I got surgery last week and was feeling too tired to write anything.

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