Eyes narrowing, I lean back against the wall and yank the phone from my pocket, swiping through all my downloaded apps until I reach the one I want and tap on it.


I used to have an account on the shady hook up app, but had to deactivate it after Val found out about it. Said that unless they are paying me, I shouldn't be fucking for free.

Now that I'm free, I need validation. Someone who isn't afraid to take what they want. To treat me somewhat better than the Radio Demon. To at least appreciate me for who I am.

Smiles can call on me fer any favor he likes, but until he does, I'm free ta make my own decisions and find comfort in another's gentle - or rough - touch.

I reach into my tit fluff and pull out a gold plastic card that reads Angeldust, and type in the card information to reactivate my account.

From all my porn shoots and clients, I went to the bank on the far side of the city to secretly open a bank account and stash a good sum of funds. Keeping the card hidden from Val so I could build up a decent chunk of money that he couldn't take.

As I wait for the green check of approval under my username, I place the card back into my chest fluff and stand to get ready for dinner.

I need to forget about Alastor and reevaluate my new life. And I'm going to do it with a fucking smile on my face.

Maybe then I'll forget about his harsh words and move past the ache of betrayal and hurt.


Touching up the last of my mascara, I double check that my pink glitter eyeshadow is perfect before adjusting the short blush pink dress I decided to wear. Giving my curls one last spritz of hair spray and placing my phone in my pink clutch purse, I leave the room and hurry downstairs, high heels clicking on every step.

Cherri said she'd be arriving in five minutes. If I can leave without running into the deer jackass, I'll be able to wait outside for her.

"Don't we look lovely this evening." Says a low sultry voice and I suppress a shiver.

"After bein' knocked out fer a day, I'm ready ta celebrate my new freedom." I reply through gritted teeth, hand on the lavish gold doorknob of the entrance.

"Ah, yes. A celebration is in order! I'll grab my coat." Alastor says and I whirl on my heel to glare at him.

"Ya are not invited." Not anymore.

"You seem upset, my dear. Is something wrong?" He asks in a nonchalant, almost bored tone.

"Course not. I only jus' gained my freedom, why would anythin' be wrong?"

"If nothing is wrong, then it should be no trouble to tag along." Alastor's grin sharpens and his eyes flash in amusement.

It's hard not to cross the distance between us and slap that smug look off his face. I could do it easily. So damn fast before he knows what hit him. But he would probably kill me and send my pathetic soul to double Hell or some shit.

"Sorry Smiles, this is a dinner with my bestie Cherri. Besides, we wouldn't want ta be seen together and make it look like somethin' it's not, right? Wouldn't want ya ta be mistaken doing a mundane thing like a date." I bite back my own smile of satisfaction as Alastor's grin wavers.

"Don't wait up." I seethe and turn to leave, slamming the door extra hard.

Sashaying towards the sleek red car that pulls into the driveway, I scrub away a stray tear that managed to escape.


Five days later...

For five days, I manage to avoid the Radio Demon and duck calls from Val. I've gotten better at sneaking out of the hotel by climbing down the thick vines that curl up and past the side of my window, I don't run into Alastor.

But like the saying goes... all good things must come to an end.

I'm about to crawl out of my window and shimmy down the vines, when my bedroom door bursts open to reveal a very angry Radio Demon. Eyes twitching with radio dials and body stretched abnormally long, Alastor glares at me from across the room, raising a hand to point one long finger at me.


With a yelp, I jump head first out the window, bracing for impact, but it doesn't come. Instead, something cold and pulsing curls around my waist, effectively saving me and halting my escape.

Thrashing, I'm pulled into my room and gently placed on my feet in front of Alastor.

"°W°h°y° °ar°e y°ou a°vo°id°ing m°e?!?" Each individual pop of raging static grates my ears and I wince.

"I'm not avoidin', jus' givin' ya yer much wanted space." I lie.

"You're avoiding and I don't appreciate it." Tone losing the harsh static, Alastor takes a step forward, red eyes flashing with rage.

"Well maybe I don't want ta be around ya." I counter.

Because I'm taller, I bend to press my nose against his, meeting his glare with a scorching one of my own.

It's stupid as fuck to antagonize the Radio Demon, but I don't care at the moment. No. Right now, I am pissed. He doesn't get to forcefully drag me back into my room unless he has a favor for me to do.

"Maybe I want to!" Alastor snaps and my eyes widen in shock as I jerk back.

Wait, what did he say?


"You are to meet me at precisely eight tonight on the roof for supper," With that, he turns and storms toward the door. Hand on the knob, Alastor turns and fixes me with a steely glare. "And wear something formal."

As the door clicks shut, I gape at empty air.

Did the Radio Demon, in his own way, ask me on a date?

Or is this a favor?

Secret Confessions (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now