He raised his eyebrows and shifted his weight back on his feet as he walked closer to her "Then why were you laughing at me?! When you don't know how to tie it in the first place?!"

"I don't know... I just wanted to make fun of you."

He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose "What are we going to do now?"

She opened her purse and took out her phone, searching for a tutorial on YouTube "Tutorials always help!"

"I tried that but failed miserably..." He said and showed her tie that was tied in a knot that only god would know how to undo. She took the tie from his hands and placed her phone on the kitchen counter as she undid the tie and he watched her.

"Come closer" She stated and he took a few steps forward. She folded his collars upwards and wrapped the tie around his neck. Her attention would switch between the video and tie occasionally as she tried to follow it and tie it perfectly only to prove that she was way better than him.

His hands were in his pockets as he watched her tie the tie for him but from his field of vision, he was able to see parts of her cleavage because of the dress she was wearing. He coughed and moved his eyes away, looking up at the ceiling only to be pulled by her "Stand properly!!" She demanded and he decided to look into her eyes.

In reality, it only took 5 minutes for her to learn and do the tie but for Sae, it was equivalent to 5 hours. "Done!!" She exclaimed and he quickly distanced himself from her. "T-Thanks" He stuttered and grabbed his suit, wearing it and walked inside one of the rooms "Wait" was all he said.

Sae went to his room and looked at himself in the mirror when he got a few memory flashes about her. He shut his eyes and massaged his forehead a bit before grabbing one of his colognes and spraying it over him.

"Annoying duckling..."


The party was at a famous restaurant that was booked for the whole team. Sae was talking to his teammates and coach while Y/N walked around trying to mix with the group but was failing at doing so.

Everyone seemed to know each other for a long time and she didn't know anyone besides Sae. The waiters were walking around with trays that had drinks and she was offered one but declined it. "This is so awkward... I wanna go home"

She would glance at Sae in hopes that he would notice her but he wasn't giving her any hope. She sat at one of the tables and went through her phone because trying it to interact with others was the same as jumping off a building for her.

"Ooo, what a pretty lady~" She heard someone and looked at them while turning off her phone. It was a man with dark brown hair, and black eyes and was wearing a white suit. "I haven't seen you before," He said and sat next to her while putting forward his hand for a handshake.

She returned the gesture and smiled at him "I am Y/N... Sae's manager"

"Sae's manager? Wasn't that Girolain?"

"Yeah, but he got into an accident and he is in the hospital right now. I am just his manager till Girolain recovers"

The guy nodded and leaned on the chair "I am Blake. The striker of the team"

"That's great!" She cheered and quickly looked away "The fuck does he want?!" She thought to herself and faced him once again. "So... Why aren't you with the others?" She asked and he let out a small laugh "Why would be with them when I can be with you? You are exactly my type"

"Blake you bastard!! Why are you always flirting with every girl you come across?!" Someone yelled and he let off a frustrated sigh.

"Aria... And why are you always making it so awkward?"

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