"where are you taking me? " she asked softly.

"It's a suprise" I said smirking when I saw her pout.


half an hour later and we're still not there and you know why because of Brooklyn, she pretended to be falling sick so I stopped at the side of the road to see if she was ok and do you know what she'd done, she climbed out the car and started walking home and now we are here where I'm begging her to come back to the car.
"Brooklyn stop being a party pooper and please get in the car." I begged

"no" she said.
Sometimes it ticks me off how women can be so stubborn, my mother does the same thing to my father when she wants something and he doesn't do it, Silent treatment for weeks guys, so watch out.

"and why not? " I asked softly, I don't understand why she's doing this and it hurts me to see look how she does now st this moment, she looked broken

"why?" she whispered

"Why? what?" I asked confused, I had no idea why she asked me why when I asked her why. But the look in her face made her strong facade fall and the small broken girl show.

"why.....why me? why not Marissa or... or that other girl why me? I am so lame such a looser I'm a loner why me?" she questioned. I felt worried.
why her? I don't even know myself why it's her but there's something... something but how do I tell her...how do I tell her that even though I have known her for a short while it seems as if every second I spend with her it makes me want her more and this is not lust, it's more.

I kept quiet until I took a step towards her to hug her, I wanted my actions to speak louder than words but it seemed this time it wasn't going to work.

she put her hand up "don't" she said and started to walk home.

"at least let me drive you home" I whispered but I'm sure she heard me because she stopped as if contemplating walking home was a good idea.
she turned around and walked towards the car and slammed her door shut, she sat in the back.

I held my head down and walked towards the car. Why is she doing this to me... to us, does she not understand that all I want is her and her only.

I kept glancing at her the whole drive home.

"you didn't answer my question" she said her voice barely a whisper.

"I-I" I began but was at a loss for words.
I took a deep breath as I parked the car in front of the huge gate of her home.

"Brooklyn... I..." I didn't know what to say. I didn't know how to start the mix of words inside my head I didn't know how to say that she was all I wanted... I had so much to say but I didn't know how to start it.

"that's what I thought" she said and jumped out the car as I saw her retrieving body, the body I wanted to hold and never let go that body that seemed like a perfect for me as if she was made for me.

I reversed and went inside my house and up my room.
My 4 year old sister called out for me but I ignored her and went up to my room and slammed my door shut.
I knew what I did was rude... beyond rude but I needed to be alone from everyone.
I started pacing in my room until I saw her sitting on her bed crying. why does one girl have so much power over me why did she have to feel ad if I didn't need her as if she was a toy but she wasn't , I punched the wall out of anger and sadness, now left a hole with my blood dripping down the wall, the blood that was from my cut knuckles.
she looked up. she must of heard the sound and looked into my eyes and then my knuckles. she was already changed and got up and walked away.
I sighed. Why did she care I was just a playboy, a playboy that would just break her heart.
All my anger was directed at myself not her.
I punched the wall again.
I punched it yet another time.
I punched, I punched and I punched.
My hand were full of blood and bruises ad I continued punching it. I wanted to punish myself for making her feel that way and this was it.

"What are you doing to yourself?" a soft voice asked.  Her voice.

"Brooklyn please just listen to me" I turned around and forgot about my throbbing hands.

She ignored me.

"sit" she commanded.
I sat down and that's when I noticed the first aid kit in her hands.
she sat on the floor and nursed my hands.
I looked as she slowly concentrated in fixing my messed up hand.
She applied ointments, alcohol whixh burnt like hell but I kept still and some other things before winding a bandage around my hand.

"there" she said "all done" she smiled at her job and left.

I wanted to stop her, I did, I really wanted to stop her.
But I was  a coward.

Just a stupid COWARD.





                     LOVE YOU LOTS

The Not So Typical Badboy and Good girl Lovestory #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now