5: Sexual Tension

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(Y/N) turned her attention to the stage which had nothing but a single chair in the middle. And before she knew it, the lights turned off and she felt herself being dragged across the dance floor and onto the stage. Am I gonna give a lap dance to someone with a hundred people watching?!

Lights were back on and the crowd whistled enthusiastically, several people shouting "Go, Malfoy!". (Y/N) found herself on the stage alright, but she was the one sitting on the chair. And who was standing on front of her?

"I'd close my mouth if I were you, my love." teased Jennie with a giggle. But that just seemed so physically impossible when the music started and the vampire began to do her thing. The crowd gave a loud cheer.

Jennie's dancing skills were really paying off. And oh, Merlin. Her face was dangerously adorable but her body figure and movements were the complete opposite, the way she teased (Y/N) so indecently while wearing such an innocent face was a whole 'nother level of seductive.

(Y/N) was looking down at her lap, but she soon felt a finger on her chin. Jennie lifted the Malfoy girl's head up as she leaned her face in so close. So close to the point their lips were just inches away from eachother.

Jennie tilted her head, getting even closer. (Y/N)'s eyes were staring down at the vampire's lips, her own lips quivered just the slightest, waiting for their lips to meet. The vampire fluttered her eyes closed and parted her lips slightly as (Y/N) did the same. And..

Another loud cheer of excitement was heard from the crowd as the Malfoy girl fluttered her eyes open, only to see Jennie wearing a smirk, looking down to see her finger pressed lightly against her lips.

"You're such a tease, Kim." sighed (Y/N), the vampire letting out a giggle in response.

The crowd gave a loud cheer once the dance was over. Several more people recieved a lap dance. Harley soon announced that the next activity is a game of truth or dare. The group that wanted to play all gathered round, and guess who was amongst them?

Hermione. Extremely surprising and odd, I know. She was the only person who wore decently, which isn't really surprising. (Y/N)'s eyes landed on her, and although they made eye-contact, the Gryffindor girl was quick to look away.

She definitely seemed pissed off. Perhaps she saw that little lap dance show. The game began and it was Jenna's turn to ask someone.

"Truth or dare, (Y/N)?" she asked.


"I dare you to let me tattoo you something." dared Jenna with a grin. "Come over here and sit next to me." she instructed once she got the Malfoy girl's approval.

(Y/N) got up and sat down beside the girl. But before she knew it, Jenna got up and settled herself on top of (Y/N), both of her legs on either side of the platinum-haired girl's thighs.

"Why so flustered? Your face is red." observed Jenna, although based off her smirk she clearly knew the reason. "I need you to stay still, can you do that for me, cara mia?"

" 'Course. " nodded (Y/N). The werewolf gave her a smile before turning her attention on the girl's collarbone. She began cleaning the area off first before starting the tattoo. She then grabbed her tattoo gun to continue the process

"Need a better view." explained Jenna as she leaned in forward, inching herself closer if that's even possible.

But oh, did I mention that she had a 20/20 vision?

As The World Caves In ( Hermione Granger X Female Reader )Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin