and I would do it all again

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My pulse shot up. Max and Mick drove side by side the last meters towards the finish line in Abu Dhabi. We needed this victory.

The reliability of our car had been a major issue in the last few races and now it was going to be close.

George could win the championship if he took third place. He had been driving very consistently and had scored the crucial points when we hadn't been able to get them. I felt sick.

Max was ahead of Mick.

And as much as I loved Max, I didn't want him to win today.

They went into the penultimate corner. Suddenly Mick shot past Max. Max had braked more than he should have. Behind them, Lance made it past George. My heart beat even faster. Silence had fallen at the pit wall.

Mick shot toward the start and finish straight. Lance got slipstreamed and passed Max.

Our mechanics were hanging over the fence.

Mick crossed the finish line first. Lance as second.

And at that moment, there was no stopping anyone.

"MICK SCHUMACHER! YOU ARE WORLD CHAMPION!", my voice rolled over at the radio message.

"Ring ding ding ding ding!" replied Mick, laughing.

I wonder how long he had been planning this? Seb next to me started sobbing "I love you guys!", now his voice broke too and he started crying.

The mechanics were already making their way to the podium while I needed another moment to take a breath.

I knew that Max had braked extra. He had braked much harder than he had needed to. I lowered my eyes and dropped my face into my hands. He had done this for me.

I knew how important it was for Max to win, how much he always fought for every win, and that he never gave up anything he could win.

I knew how ambitious he was.

I started to cry. It was pure joy that flooded through me.

"Are you coming?" asked Seb, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Give me a moment, ok?", I whispered, I had to process this first.

Mick had just taken the title and with Lance second we had also won the team championship. It took me a moment to be able to grasp that thought.

"Come on. I'm sure Mick can't wait to hold you in his arms. And Max certainly can't either. I'm sure he didn't just brake like that." he pulled up a corner of his mouth "And I want you there too. You deserve a lot of the credit for this.", he held out his hand to me.

I let my brother pull me to my feet, he put his arm over my shoulder and then we walked towards the podium, surrounded by cameras.

"Have I ever told you lately how proud I am of you?" he pulled me closer to him "I know you haven't necessarily had it easy. You never have. But you always managed to do everything you wanted to. And now look at you. You're a race engineer and your driver took the title in your very first season. You have a great relationship with Max and that even though so many obstacles have been put in your way. You now have a child to take care of... Lia, I'm just insanely proud of you," as if I hadn't cried enough, the tears were now streaming down my face.

He pulled me a little tighter to him "You're doing great.", he murmured.

"Thank you.", I wrapped my arm around his back and leaned against my brother "You don't know how much this means to me.", I murmured.

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