hurts like hell

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I hadn't been able to get a clear thought out of my head since I picked up Lia at the port. I couldn't let this guy get away just like that. So I had written to Charles, who had been only too happy to tell me which yacht this asshole was on.

I hadn't hesitated long. He had gotten what he deserved.

Now I was sitting in my kitchen holding a package of frozen peas against my nose. I hadn't expected so much resistance. But as I had told Lia, some people were worth getting into a little trouble for.

She certainly was. I didn't know what it was about her that attracted me so much, but she fucking drew me in like a magnet. I just wanted to be with her. All the time. But I couldn't tell her that.

I just couldn't.

Not today, when she was visiting Charles.

Not in Bahrain, where she and Pierre had already been considered a couple, so to speak, by the public.

And not any other time either. How was I supposed to keep up with the two of them?

I wasn't half as charming and polite as Charles. Or as good at flirting and complimenting as Pierre.

I was just me. And she deserved someone who was more like them.

Still, I couldn't escape her. I was attracted to her like a moth to a flame.

My head hummed a little as I pushed myself up from the chair in the kitchen and headed over to the living room.

It wasn't just my head that had been buzzing. So was my cell phone on the kitchen countertop.

Lia: Thanks for picking me up today! I think I just forgot about that. I hope you got back okay. You're probably already asleep. I wanted to have it written anyway....

Me: I would pick you up anywhere....

Lia: Oh you are still awake! Are you ok?

Me: Yeah. I could ask you the same thing.

Lia: Yeah, everything's fine. Just been a lot today...

Me: Be in front of the hotel in 10 minutes.

It had been a spontaneous, maybe even a stupid thought, but I felt like I didn't want to leave her alone right now. I was sure that the thing with her ex-boyfriend was hanging over her more than she admitted.

And I just wanted to see her.

Shit, I would have driven anywhere to see her now.

So I went on my way again.

By now it was deepest night and only a few people were out. It was just the right time to show her what had been going through my mind.

Only 10 minutes later I was standing in front of her hotel again. She was already standing on the stairs with her arms wrapped around her body. It didn't escape me that she was still or again wearing the sweater I had given her. I could really almost get used to that. I definitely liked her in my clothes.

When she noticed my car she came down the steps and got in on the passenger side.

"Hey, I..." she faltered, her eyes widening "Shit, Max what did you do?" her hands were instantly on my face.

"Never mind.", my gaze latched onto her eyes.

"Max. That looks really bad.", she looked at me very worried while her fingers stroked warmly over my skin.

"Not half bad," I assured her, letting my face fall a little into her hand.

I enjoyed her gentle touches so much. And she was definitely touching more than just my skin with it. She managed to touch something deep inside me. Because every time she looked at me, every time her fingers grazed my skin, I felt like she honestly cared about me. I felt like I mattered to her. And she managed to express that with her looks and touch alone.

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