prevent disaster

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"Lia can I ask you something?", Lance and I had been sitting next to each other in silence for so long now that I had almost forgotten we were still sitting here.

I had been so lost in my thoughts that I just hadn't really been present. Now, however, I turned my gaze to him.

"Sure. You can ask anything.", he nodded, then he bit his lower lip, much like he was somehow uncomfortable.

"You don't have to answer either, ok?", I nodded, waiting for him to ask "Well, I... I was just wondering... What happened? So why are you out here and not in? Why didn't you go celebrate like you were supposed to?"

"It's complicated," I muttered.

"I'm pretty smart. You could at least try to explain it to me. Unless you don't want to talk about it, then that's okay too."

"It's complicated because I don't quite understand it myself," I started twirling the ring on my finger "I mean, I have no illusions about who I am or what I look like. And actually, I also know that I have absolutely no chance with men like Charles, Pierre and Max, but... They made me feel... I mean that they were really interested in me and... Then I called Max because I was worried about him and there was this woman on the phone. She and Max were busy, at least that's what she said and...", I swallowed "It felt fucking shitty.", I whispered "But it should have been obvious to me. I mean... I'm just me and at some point even the newest toy is uninteresting if it doesn't do what it's supposed to. You know?".

Lance started laughing.

I was a little offended because I was sure I had never seen Lance laugh like that before. I had opened up to him and he laughed at me for it.

"You don't really believe that, do you?" he raised an eyebrow at my expression.

"Wait, fuck you really believe that.", he laughed again "Shit, Lia, you're one of the smartest people I've ever met but you're completely barking up the wrong tree in that regard right now. If you could see the way the guys are looking at you. Shit, come on, I'll show you," he literally jumped up from the bench and grabbed my hand.

"Lance, I-"

"No. Don't argue with me. My dad's your boss, you're coming with me or I'll make it an order of business," he laughed.

Now I had to laugh too and let him pull me to my feet.

"You were looking for me by the way, if anyone asks. You were worried about me and didn't have time to write big," he grinned widely.

Once again, the Canadian surprised me.

"And watch out, when Pierre sees you in a minute, his eyes will light up. Because that's what they do every time he sees you. Shit, he'd lay the world at your feet if you asked him to. And Charles? He melts every time you open your mouth. Mick, Esteban and I have seen it happen a few times now. But Max got the worst of it. He almost kissed you on the podium today. I swear to you, it would have happened if I hadn't been standing between you. So trust me, none of those guys want anything but you.", he put his arm over my shoulder and pulled me closer to him "Oh and that dress?", he looked down at me "It looks insanely good on you. Green is just absolutely your color.", he smiled a little wider.

We had almost reached the hotel by now, I could already hear Pierre.

"Shit, she's got to be somewhere! Charles, what are we going to do if we don't find her?"

"Watch his eyes." whispered Lance, then he raised his voice "I heard you're looking for my savior?" a wide smile crossed his lips as he waved at Pierre.

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