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I dropped down next to Kevin on the bench.

The last two days had just been hell.

He put his arm over my shoulder and I let my head sink onto his shoulder. I could hear him start to grin broadly. I guess it was good news he wanted to tell me then. Oh man, I could really use that right now.

Something positive.

I immediately raised my head again and looked at him from the side. His gaze was directed into the distance, but he was smiling. I knew immediately what was going on.

"Oh my God! Lou's pregnant?" it blurted out of me, Kevin started nodding, then tears welled up in his eyes.

"Oh my god! Congratulations!", I wrapped my arms around my best friend and he immediately returned the hug, then he started sobbing.

"I'm so happy, but I'm also so scared that it's going to go down like Laura again. We had to fight so hard and I just sat there for so many hours praying that my little girl would make it, what if this happens again? I..."

"It won't. I'm sure it won't.", I pulled him even tighter into my arms.

Kev had told me about it. He had told me how hard Laura's start in life had been and how much it had affected him and Louise. I knew how much he was still struggling with it. He had always wanted more children, I had known that too. However, I hadn't expected him to be so scared.

"I know Lou is worried too. But... I'm actually so happy and..." he swallowed "I just hope everything goes well." he took a deep breath.

"It will. I'm sure it will.", I pushed his face off my shoulder and looked at him "And this child will have the best parents in the world."

"And the best godmother in the world." he said, looking at me. It took me a moment to click, then I finally burst into tears.

"You're family anyway, and you're kind of like my little sister, so Lou and I thought that... so if you want."

I nodded immediately. Kev pulled me back to him and then laughed through his tears "You're going to have to go through all of this with me too. You're going to have to listen to everything. Every worry, every fear, and then of course every bit of news I have."

"I can't wait," I sobbed "Any ultrasound pictures yet?"

"Sure, wait." he released the hug again and dug his cell phone out of his pants pocket "Here Lou sent it to me half an hour ago."

"How long have you known?" he showed me the picture. Except for a small smudge, there wasn't much to see yet.

"About an hour?" he laughed.

"And that's when you come to me?"

"Well, who else am I going to go to? You're my best friend, I need to talk about this, who else would I do it with? Besides, I know you're having stress with Seb. I can see it. And I thought... well you're just family to me and...", I interrupted him and wrapped my arms around him tightly.

"I feel like I'm closer to you than Seb sometimes," I swallowed.

"He loves you. A lot, actually. He just worries a lot more than I do.", Kev laughed and stroked my back "Do you want me to talk to him?", I shook my head.

"I'll have to do that myself. But thanks.", I smiled and broke away from him again.

If I didn't have Kevin, I was sure, I would have lost it a few times already.

We had sat together on the bench for a long time until Kev had had to go to a meeting. I had been on my way to the hotel when my best friend came to meet me, completely distraught.
By now she was a regular at the Ferrari Garage. Things were going well between her and Charles, very well in fact. But now she was crying. So much so that she could hardly breathe. I was a little overwhelmed and all the happier when Pierre came out of his box at that exact moment and helped me bring her into his driver's compartment.

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