Why was I the bad guy to everyone?

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Melbourne had come much too quickly. And after Melbourne I had traveled to Milton Keynes, she to Silverstone, and we hadn't seen each other for two weeks. It had been torture. And even after those two weeks, we had only been able to meet for one day before it was on to press appointments for me, while she had disappeared to the Aston Martin factory, already working on developments for next year's car.

It was crazy how much our lives ended up passing each other by. But that was just our lives.

Not that it meant my feelings toward her had changed. I loved this woman. But barely seeing her was exhausting and I knew she felt the same way. Maybe it was even a little worse for her, because every time I even talked to a female, those photos immediately went all over social media.

It felt like the whole world was trying so hard to break us up again. They were trying so hard to drive a wedge between us. Then some days I was just tired of being myself. I would have given a lot to not be known anymore. Even though I loved my job, of course. I loved racing.  But in those moments I just wished I could live an undisturbed life.

It was almost a little like they didn't want us to have our happiness.

And even though Lia didn't say anything and kept reassuring me that she trusted me, I knew it hurt her. Every time again.

She was already so insecure and all these speculations didn't make it any better. I knew how much she struggled with it. Some nights I could see it in her face when we just had another video phone call.

It was probably the most exhausting relationship I had ever had. But not because of her, but because of everything that affected us from the outside.

I was all the happier when we finally landed in Baku and I knew I was about to see her.

But everything turned out quite differently than I had expected.

I had just entered the hotel lobby when an extremely angry Kevin came rushing towards me. I didn't even get a chance to ask him what had made him so angry, because without a word he hit me so hard in the face with his fist that I was sure he had broken something.

"HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO HER?" he roared in anger and was about to strike again.

I took a step back and while holding my bleeding nose with one hand, I tried to shield myself from the angry Dane with the other.

"What's going on anyway?", I gasped.

"SHE TRUSTED YOU! SHE FUCKING TRUSTED YOU!", I felt like the walls were starting to shake under his voice.

"What are you talking about? Can you please tell me what's gotten into you?", I really had no idea what was going on.

"Your father told everyone. This is so fucking sleazy. I didn't expect anything like this from you.", his chest rose and fell jerkily "I've never seen her like this. And I swear to you, you come near her one more time, I'll kill you. Or Lance will. Or Mick. Or Seb."

"WHAT'S THE MATTER?", slowly but surely I was getting a little indignant. I had absolutely no clue what he was talking about. After all, when I had gotten on the plane, everything had been fine. I had just been happy to see my girlfriend and now I was supposed to have done something that made Kevin so mad that he broke my nose?

"Don't act like that. The evidence was overwhelming. And your father already admitted it. She'll probably lose her job and everything she's worked for because of you. Can you even look at yourself in the mirror anymore?".

With these words, the Dane left me standing there.

I looked confusedly at my companions, who looked at me with a shrug of the shoulders. "Can someone find out what I have supposedly done and find my dad," I growled and then made my way to my hotel room.

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