don't leave me alone

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I really didn't have a good day and also now in the free practice nothing would work the way I needed it. That had never happened to me before.

I was usually really good at blocking everything out and focusing fully on driving. But today nothing would work my way.

I had been harassed, although at least the Whatsapp history had been able to prove that this point was not true. Nevertheless, the words of my father were still in the room. I hadn't had a chance to talk to him yet, but I wanted to address that urgently after training.

I needed to know what he had been thinking, even though I already had some suspicions. I just didn't want to believe that he would resort to such measures. I just didn't want him to.

But my head was so full that I could hardly manage to concentrate properly on the training session.

My times were terrible and even if Gianpiero didn't say it, I knew that they were disappointed in me.

I was a disappointment.


Only when Nico suddenly drove next to me and slowly but surely something like a duel developed between us did I come back. I bit into the duel and tried to get everything out of the car. At least I wanted to win this duel.

We drove against each other for a long time until we caught up with Mick at some point. I wanted to pass him on the left, he gave me enough space. We went into a corner, after which I would leave Mick and Nico behind me.

But before I really got far, I felt a knock. My car started to spin.

A big bang, then everything went black.

My head was buzzing so loudly that I could hardly perceive anything else.

I had had an accident. With Mick.


I tasted blood.

We had hit pretty hard. My whole body was screaming in pain. All I wanted was to get to Lia.

Where was Mick?

I wonder if he was okay.

Was he in as much terrible pain as I was?

"Lia.", I repeated.

I didn't even manage to open my eyes. My head felt way too heavy. I didn't know if I was still holding it upright. All I could feel was that my hands were still wrapped convulsively around the steering wheel.

"Max, can you hear me?", I perceived Christian's voice.

The pain was almost unbearable. I just wanted it to stop. I wanted the pain to end. I wanted to sleep.

But not until she was with me. When she was there, everything would be okay. Then I could sleep.

"Lia?", I asked.

It was as if she was the only clear thought I could still grasp. She was all that was going through my mind now. How we had stood on the hotel roof yesterday.

We should have just eloped. We should have just done it.

"GET ME LIA!" that was Christian again.

"We're going to get Lia. She's right here." he assured me. I just nodded slowly "Max, can you hear me? Please talk to me.", Christian's voice sounded strained.

My head was buzzing louder and louder and I was finding it incredibly difficult to stay awake. I had to hold on at least until she was there.

I wanted to hear her voice, wanted her to tell me that everything was going to be okay.

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