'meeting 1D' for Lauraaa_Scott

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Summery: An OC, Katie meets the members of One Direction whilst working in Starbucks, Harry Styles gives her his number, romance ensues. 

Good points: The way they meet isn't completely unrealistic which is good, and you haven't put your OC  up on a pedestal which makes her easy to relate to. 

Grammatical errors: The grammar in this isn't awful but it's not great either. Watch yourself when using your or you're. Your is possessive, you're is you are. Remember to capitalise your I's  and try to avoid random full stops.

I would suggest you got a beta reader if grammar isn't your strong suit. 

What needs to me improved: Slow down a little, take your time with each chapter, not much has to happen in each chapter but they do need to be around 2-3 pages long, that way the reader stays engaged with your story. Don't use links to pictures instead of descriptions. 

How to do this: Really think about your characters emotions, explain what they're feeling, this will flesh out your chapters and make the reader connect to Katie more. You can base outfits off of pictures but look at the clothing and then describe it in your work. 

Hope this helped, good luck! 

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